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Mehrabi N, Sharif A. Barriers to Documenting Experiences in the Public Libraries of Qom Province. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2024; 30 (2) :158-174
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-2405-en.html
Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author) , Atefeh.sharif@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1729 Views)
Purpose: Documentation is an attempt to converting tacit knowledge to explicit one. This study was conducted with the aim of identifying and ranking the barriers to documenting experiences in the public libraries of Qom province.
Methods: In terms of research type, this is an applied study conducted using an exploratory mixed-method approach. Methodologically, it is descriptive-analytical, and the Delphi survey and a general survey approach were used simultaneously. In the Delphi stage, the barriers to documentation were identified, and the ranking of barriers was identified during the survey phase. The research includes two statistical populations: subject matter experts, and managers and staff of public libraries in Qom province. A purposive sample was selected from the first group and 66 individuals were randomly chosen from the second group. After reviewing the literature, the initial checklist of identified barriers to documentation was provided to the panel members and the output from the Delphi panel stage was used to create the questionnaire. The accuracy and reliability of qualitative data were assessed based on the criteria of validity, reliability, confirmability, and transferability, while the validity of the questionnaire was assessed through content validity. For this purpose, the questionnaire was approved by three faculty members specializing in information science and knowledge studies. Cronbach's alpha was also used to confirm the reliability of the questionnaire, with a reported value of .949.
Findings: The findings of the present study showed that the barriers can be categorized into seven groups: individual barriers, educational barriers, organizational culture barriers, organizational structure barriers, technological barriers, economic barriers, and social barriers. Among the indicators of individual barriers, the lack of a sense of responsibility for documentation among staff and managers, as well as the lack of sufficient motivation, reliance on one's own memory, and the perception that the organization does not need these experiences were highlighted. Among the indicators of educational barriers, the lack of attention to the benefits and advantages of documentation by educational managers, as well as the absence of conferences and meetings related to documentation were highlighted. Among the indicators of organizational culture barriers, the lack of necessary support from managers was noted. Among the indicators of organizational structure barriers, the insufficient support from senior managers for documentation programs, the existence of extensive administrative bureaucracy and the lack of a dedicated unit or structure for recording and preserving experiences were significant. Among the technological barriers, the absence of a knowledge management system for recording and managing experiences and the lack / inadequacy of technical support were identified. Among the economic barriers, the lack of appropriate budget allocation for documentation, livelihood concerns and the lack of motivation for documentation were emphasized. Finally, among the social barriers, the lack of satisfactory interaction among staff received the highest score.
Originality / Value: The results of this research provide an understanding of the barriers to documentation and their use by decision-making institutions can be effective in the field of organizational development and competitive advantage for documentation of experiences in the public libraries.
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Type of Study: quantitative | Subject: Information Management and Knowledge Management
Received: 2023/06/2 | Accepted: 2023/11/11 | Published: 2024/06/30

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