Manuscript Submission Guidelines

 | Post date: 2021/03/14 | 
Author's Guide

Subject Area
The "Research in Information Science and Public Libraries" journal is a scientific publication that accepts articles on general topics in the field of information science and librarianship, as well as public libraries and promoting reading. This journal reviews articles that are the result of original research or are part of case studies, applied studies, review and theoretical studies, as well as historical studies.

Journal Objectives
1. Publication of scientific and research results in the field of public libraries and general topics in the field of information science and librarianship;
2. Assistance in promoting and institutionalizing research in the field of public libraries;
3. Efforts to expand specialized knowledge in the field of public libraries;
4. Efforts to publish new ideas to meet the scientific and research needs of the country's public libraries; and
5. Publication of the scientific research activities of public libraries.

Publication Costs
The processing, review, and publication of articles in this journal are free of charge, and authors do not receive any fees.

Articles must meet the following requirements:

A) In terms of content

  • The title of the article should be concise and appropriate to the content, purpose, and research findings.
  • The name and address of the author(s) should be completed according to the file here. (Since the information registered about the authors and their order in the system will be the criterion for publication, it is necessary to complete the authors' information accurately in the system as well).
  • The abstract should be structured and between 200 and 250 words, expressing the purpose, method (sample, tool, statistical analysis methods, and validation methods of tools and findings), findings, and authenticity/value of the article; also, 3 to 5 keywords should be mentioned after the abstract.
  • Introduction: It should include stating the problem, theoretical foundations, and research background, research objective(s) or question(s), and/or research hypothesis(es). The problem should be clearly explained. The theoretical foundations should be relevant and cover the research variables. The background should be integrated into the introduction, and the journal does not have a separate section called research background. The background should be up-to-date and relevant. It is necessary to review the background in a categorized and critical manner and avoid describing the background as is common in theses.
  • Research Method: If the article is prepared by a quantitative method, the statistical population, sample, research design, data analysis methods, and validation of tools and results should be explained in detail. If the research tool is researcher-made, its formal validity, content validity, and reliability should be confirmed. If the article is prepared by a qualitative method, the statistical population, sample, sampling method, credibility, transferability, confirmability, and dependability of the research should be mentioned.
  • Findings: The research findings should be accompanied by necessary tables and graphs. Tables, graphs, and images should be in raw form (graphic output) and not in the form of a picture.
  • Discussion and Conclusion: It should include a summary of the interpretive and analytical findings of the research and a comparison with other studies, emphasizing the explanation of the generalizability and scientific applicability of the findings and providing necessary guidelines for further research.
  • Recommendations: It should include practical recommendations derived from the research, and each recommendation should be based on the findings.
  • Footnotes: The explanations and Latin equivalents of terms and transliteration of non-Iranian names or any person whose name is difficult to read should be provided at the bottom of each page with separate numbers for each page.
  • References and Citations: The preparation of in-text citations and reference lists at the end of the article is based on the seventh edition of the writing and citation manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). The reference formatting guidelines can be viewed here.
  • List of Sources and References: non-English sources should also be listed in English.
  • Authors must disclose any financial support or grants received for conducting the research in various forms, either directly or in the form of a project or proposal, in the article.

b) In terms of appearance:
  • The text should be written in Microsoft Word 2010 or newer with Times New Roman font size 11 on A4 pages;
  • The maximum number of words for quantitative articles should be 7000 and for qualitative articles should be 8000 (failure to comply with this rule will result in the rejection of the articles).
  • The abstract should be written in font size 10;
  • Images should have appropriate resolution and be in the magazine format (23x16). The original files of the images (in Excel, Word, PDF format) must be submitted;
  • Graphic outputs of statistical software such as Amos, Smart PLS, Lisrel, and similar software must be submitted, and outputs drawn in Word are not acceptable.
  • The order of the article should be as follows: title, organizational information of the authors, abstract, keywords; on the next page, in order: English title, organizational information of the authors, English abstract, English keywords, article text (introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion), references, (Non-English sources should also be written in English), and appendices (such as questionnaires).
  • Use fluent English language and English technical terms and phrases.
  • Spacing and half-spacing should be observed in writing.
  • The complete structure of the journal should be observed, and the articles should not be in the form of a thesis.
  • The relevant and up-to-date backgrounds should be written critically, and writing backgrounds in the form of a thesis should be avoided.
  • If there are questionnaires, they must be added to the end of the article (failure to comply with this rule will result in the rejection of the articles).
  • The author commitment form must be completed.
  • The conflict of interest form must be completed.

Process of evaluating articles:
  • Visual review: After receiving the articles, they are reviewed visually. If there are any visual issues, the articles are returned to the authors for correction. If approved, they are sent to the editorial board members for review.
  • Initial review by the editor-in-chief: After visual approval, the articles are reviewed by the editor-in-chief based on the journal's policies and goals, and the authenticity of the articles. If approved, they are sent to the editorial board members for their opinions and suggestions.
  • Review by the editorial board: The editorial board members consider one of three options for each article based on its subject and quality: rejection, request for revisions, or suggestion for a reviewer.
  • Review in the editorial meeting: In the editorial meeting, the articles are reviewed again by the editor-in-chief based on their quality and taking into account the opinions of the editorial board members. Rejected articles are returned to the authors, and requested revisions are communicated to the authors by the editorial board members or the editor-in-chief. For approved articles, a reviewer is assigned.
  • Review process: The articles are reviewed by two anonymous reviewers. Each article is reviewed by at least two reviewers. After the review process, the reviewers' suggestions are sent to the authors. After completing the revision process and submitting it to the journal office, the articles are reviewed again by the research method specialist and the statistical specialist if necessary. Any potential issues are communicated to the author, and after completing the revisions, the articles are accepted and scheduled for publication.
  • Pre-print review: The right to pre-print review is reserved for accepted articles.

Important notes:
According to the decision of the Scientific Journals Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, each author or responsible person can only have one article reviewed and published per year. Therefore, if an author has an article under review or is in the process of being published as the first author or responsible person in the journal office, we apologize for not being able to accept a second article from them.
The journal reserves the right to reject or accept articles and also reserves the right to edit them and will not return them under any circumstances.
The article should not be published in another journal or presented simultaneously.
The scientific content of the article is the responsibility of the author(s).

Required files to be uploaded: Five essential files must be submitted through the manuscript submission system: 1. The main file of the manuscript (without the names of the authors), 2. Title page in the mentioned format, 3. Authorship form (must include the title of the article and the name and surname of all authors and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the article file), and 5. Cover letter.

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