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Babalhavaeji F, Pashazadeh F. Study of Occupational Stress among Iran Public Libraries Foundation’s Librarians and Managers (Case Study: Tehran City). Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2010; 16 (3) :103-122
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-97-en.html
Imam Khomeini Public Library, Islamshahr , e.pashazade@gmail.com
Abstract:   (12442 Views)
Purpose: The present research was carried out with the purpose of studying occupational stress among librarians and managers of public libraries under supervision of National Institution of Public Libraries in Tehran in 2010.
Methodology: This study is of survey type. The population under study consisted of 103 librarians and managers of public libraries in Tehran which were chosen by simple random sampling. We also used Osipow Occupational Stress Inventory.
Findings: Among the population under study, 23 persons (33.22%) were library managers and 79 (70.76%) of them were librarians. Mean occupational stress in this sample was 194.20; considering the scoring table of Osipow scale for occupational stress, total occupational stress was normal. So, occupational stress was not observed in the sample. Also, the highest mean value among dimensions of occupational stress belonged to the role workload, whereas the lowest mean value among these dimensions related to physical environment. Besides, no significant relationship existed between occupational stress and demographic features (age, work experience). In addition, no significant difference was observed among work environment conditions, job experience, reward, and financial income of groups under study concerning occupational stress.
Originality/Value: We identified the level of occupational stress among librarians of public libraries in six dimensions including role workload, role incompetency, role dichotomy, range of role, responsibility, and physical environment. As the result, the current research revealed that for the dimension of role workload, which is related to how an individual responds to demands in work environment, paying more attention is necessary for programming with the purpose of minimizing the stress. Additionally, through intervening in these six dimensions, managers can control the level of stress among their employees.
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Type of Study: quantitative |
Received: 2012/08/5 | Accepted: 2018/02/17 | Published: 2018/02/17

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