XML Persian Abstract Print

, mnarmenji63@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (211 Views)
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify the opportunities, threats and obstacles of holding reading competitions in public libraries from the point of view of librarians.
 Research method: This is an applied research that was conducted with a qualitative approach using the thematic analysis method. The research community included librarians of public libraries affiliated to institution of public libraries in South Khorasan province. In this research, non-probability (non-random) sampling and snowball sampling were used, and a total of 16 people were interviewed. The interview method used was semi-structured.
Findings: The opportunities for holding book reading competitions in public libraries were grouped into two cultural (book-oriented, library-oriented, and study-oriented) and personal (motivational and educational) categories. The findings indicated that increasing visits to libraries, creating study motivation and creating a habit of reading were among the identified opportunities. The research findings also showed that there are serious threats and obstacles in this field. The threats raised in this field were categorized into three categories: systemic, individual and cultural. "Not paying attention to topics of interest to users", "not paying attention to regional needs", "lack of subject appeal" and "make statistics" had more initial codes in this field. Obstacles in holding book reading competitions were also placed in three groups: "Executive", "Technical" and "Management", where the restrictions on access to competition resources, budget restrictions and non-standard questions of the competitions were considered more by the interviewees.
Value/authenticity: The value of this research lies in the point that considering the countless opportunities of holding book reading competitions in libraries, it is necessary to make the necessary planning for the effective holding of these competitions. Of course, there are major threats and obstacles in this field that require serious attention from public libraries. Considering the limited background of research in this field, more research is emphasized.
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Type of Study: qualitative | Subject: Cultural Studies
Received: 2024/08/24 | Accepted: 2024/10/15

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