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Unesco/ Jondishapour library (Iran mall) , mohsenmahmoodi198@gmail.com
Abstract:   (255 Views)
Purpose: The purpose of the current research is to conduct a comparative study of public libraries in Jundishapor in Iran Mall in Iran and White Chapel and Edmonton Green in Britain from the perspective of examining the services, advantages and characteristics of libraries in commercial centers.
Method: This research was conducted with a content analysis approach in terms of practical purpose. The research community consists of public libraries in the Iran Mall shopping center in Iran and Whitechapel and Edmonton Green shopping centers in the UK. In order to compare the services, advantages, features in the field of creation, reference community, collection, service provision, building and equipment and administration in libraries in commercial centers, using the semi-structured interview tool in Iran Mall's Jandishapour Library and using the method of content analysis of existing reports from public libraries have been implemented in the commercial centers of Whitechapel and Edmonton Green in the UK. Also, the interviews conducted and the content of the reports collected by the method of content analysis were done in three stages: coding by studying the texts, words and concepts extracted from the interviews, analysis, separation, integration and consolidation of them. Also, a checklist including criteria for measuring the accuracy of information on selected library sites was prepared and approved by 10 experts in the field of information science and philology, and for the acceptability of data, four criteria of Goba and Lincoln, which include validity, verifiability, reliability and transferability , was used. Also, the validity of the interview questions, which included 6 main questions, was confirmed by 10 experts in the field of information science and epistemology.
Risults: The findings show that the presence of libraries in the studied commercial centers brings cultural, social and economic advantages for the libraries and commercial centers, and also, the studied libraries in the field of services, characteristics of the referring community, collection, providing services and buildings and The equipment has unique characteristics compared to each other and other public libraries.
Conclusions: The presence of libraries in commercial centers has effects and benefits for the library and the commercial center. The most important effects of the presence of public libraries in commercial centers is the steady increase for commercial centers. Also, these types of libraries have the potential to provide special services based on their unique characteristics in line with the goals of the parent organization.
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Type of Study: qualitative | Subject: Libraries Services
Received: 2024/01/22 | Accepted: 2024/12/12

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