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Najafgholinejad A. Usability of the Management System of Public Libraries of Iran (SAMAN) from the perspective of Visually Impaired Users. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2024; 30 (3) :294-311
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-2520-en.html
Department of Data Science, Information, and Artificial Intelligence, National library and archives of I.R. Tehran, Iran , najafgholinezhad@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1296 Views)
Objective: The purpose of this research is to assess the usability of the management system of public libraries (Saman) from the perspective of visually impaired users.
Method: The research was applied a formal usability testing. The usability of the system was evaluated through exploratory observation of users with visual impairments (think-aloud protocol) by defining three real tasks. 10 users were selected by purposeful sampling method. Task completion was monitored using screen recording software. Data analysis was conducted using Excel and MAXQDA. Guba and Lincoln's criteria were employed to ensure data credibility.
Results: On average, each user spent approximately 30.9 minutes locating a resource, over 11 minutes for electronic membership requests, and about 7 minutes for sending inquiries to librarians. Few users were able to navigate the system without assistance, and some users were unsuccessful in completing their tasks. Ninety percent of users rated the ease of use of the system as poor and expressed dissatisfaction with the time spent on task completion. Key usability barriers were identified across 177 codes and five categories. The most frequent barriers included accessibility of combo boxes or dropdown menus, proper design, keyboard accessibility, logical heading structure, search complexity, system messages, and conveying information with senses.
Conclusions: Usability is a fundamental condition for the sustained performance of websites. Libraries and inclusive websites focus on diverse stakeholders. Engaging real end-users is a vital aspect of user-centered design, highlighting the need for continuous assessment of their expectations.
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Type of Study: qualitative | Subject: Management and Evaluation of Libraries
Received: 2023/11/13 | Accepted: 2024/04/27 | Published: 2024/10/1

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