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Department of KIS, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran , kiani.mreza@birjand.ac.ir
Abstract:   (270 Views)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore users’ perceptions and experiences of why and how to keep and release personal information items in public libraries in South Khorasan Province.
Method: This study was conducted using the phenomenological method. The sample was selected through purposive sampling from active users of public libraries in South Khorasan Province with bachelor’s degrees and above. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview. The findings from the interview were confirmed by the interviewees, compared with the findings of similar studies, and reviewed by the collaborative team. The reliability of the study was calculated by the agreement method between coders using the kappa coefficient (0.74).
Results: Personal information items were divided into two groups: paper resources (in this study, respondents mentioned important administrative letters, personal notes, travel tickets, personal documents, academic certificates, pamphlets, books, articles, etc.) and digital resources (in this study, screenshots, PDF files of publications and articles, e-books, digital images of documents, audio, photos and videos, articles, content received from social networks, etc. were of most interest to respondents). The sample in question valued preserving information resources in both groups. Their opinion about letting go was that this would cause problems, but in some cases they did so due to lack of decision-making power. The most important reasons for preserving paper information resources from the respondents' point of view were: having interest, feeling a need in the future, having informational, historical or religious value, studying, doing research, reviewing memories, lack of access to the Internet and digital resources, and the most important reasons for preserving digital information items from their point of view were convenient and common use of such resources, availability compared to paper resources, saving time and money, interest and need, and education. According to the results of this study, abandoning paper information resources can be due to lack of decision-making power about preserving or abandoning, lack of space and the bulky nature of paper resources, not being up-to-date, and losing value and credibility. Regarding the reasons for abandoning digital resources, in addition to the same reasons as abandoning paper resources, respondents mentioned lack of interest, the existence of better alternatives, and lack of need for them.
Conclusions: Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that users attach great importance to preserving and managing their personal information, both paper and digital, securely and confidentially. Most users have had positive experiences accessing their personal information and believe that retaining this information has more benefits for them than giving it up. However, in cases where personal information is of no value to users, they are willing to give it up. Overall, the results of this study indicate that the retention and secure management of personal information is a priority for users.

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Type of Study: qualitative | Subject: Information Management and Knowledge Management
Received: 2023/10/11 | Accepted: 2024/12/7

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