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HashemZadeh M J, Vatandoost A, Jahangeer G H, Asgari A, Sangari M. The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on the change in Entrepreneurial Attitude of Librarians of Public Libraries. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2023; 29 (2) :200-217
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-2375-en.html
Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Birjand. Birjand. Iran , hashemzadeh@birjand.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1365 Views)
Purpose: Knowledge and information science specialists can succeed in creating and providing entrepreneurial services by using knowledge of the society, the needs of the audience and having an entrepreneurial attitude. In the field of knowledge and information science, entrepreneurship is a type of social or value entrepreneurship service. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of entrepreneurship education in changing the entrepreneurial attitude of public library librarians in Birjand city.
Method: The present study is a type of applied research. In terms of data collection, it is a quasi- experimental study with a control group, a pre-test and a follow-up test to determine the duration over times. The statistical population of the study included 30 librarians of public libraries affiliated to the library of the city of Birjand; Data collection was done by Entrepreneurship Attitude questionnaire (Robinson et al., 1991) and SPSS software was used to analyze the information collected through the questionnaire.
Findings: The results of the tests showed that entrepreneurial training has led to a shift in the attitudes of librarians in the test group, and entrepreneurial training has led to a shift in the orientation of self-esteem, Succession, innovation and personal entrepreneurial control of the group librarians and the post-test scores of the two control and experimental groups were reported differently (F = 5/568, P > 0/05). The average of librarians desire for success in the post-test stage (M = 4/528) has changed compared to the pre-test stages (M = 4/313). Also, the test of the repeated measurement design, which included librarians in the experimental group in the follow-up stage, showed that that the change in the orientation of personal entrepreneurial control of librarians has become significant, which has caused stability and stability in them. Self-esteem components such as confidence in ones ability, confidence in work results, ability to solve personal problems, ambition and self-belief can be influenced to a large extent by changing librarians views due to the increase in the level of advertisements and their knowledge about entrepreneurship.
Originality/value: The current research considers entrepreneurship in public libraries as a great opportunity for managers and librarians. Considering that entrepreneurship can be acquired in libraries, librarians can use the benefits of entrepreneurial training to raise their level of work and provide entrepreneurial services to users. According to the goals and social roles of public libraries, entrepreneurship training in the society of librarians and users should be considered and implemented as one of the special requirements based on the goals and functions of these types of libraries because entrepreneurship training causes a change in the direction of personal entrepreneurial control of people and increase the amount of their personal control.
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Type of Study: quantitative | Subject: Libraries Services
Received: 2022/10/6 | Accepted: 2023/03/1 | Published: 2023/09/1

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