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Najafpour Moghadam* P, Mohammadi Z. Assessing Multiple Relationships between Dimensions of Social Dignity and Structural, Cognitive and Communicative Dimensions of Social Capital (Case Study of Khuzestan Public Library Librarians). Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2022; 28 (1) :116-133
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-2372-en.html
*Department of of Knowledge and Information Science, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran , p.najafpour@scu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2663 Views)
Purpose: The aim of this study is to assess the multiple relationships between the dimensions of social status of librarians and the structural, cognitive, communicative dimensions of social capital in public libraries in Khuzestan.
Method: This is a quantitative applied study in terms of purpose that was conducted using the descriptive-correlational method. The statistical population of study includes all librarians of public libraries in Khuzestan province (numbered 390), from whom 194 people were selected as the research sample using Cochran formula. To collect data, the social status questionnaire (Najafpour Moghadam and Mohammadi, 1400 SH) and Nahapit and Goshal (1998) social capital questionnaire were used. Descriptive and inferential tests were used to analyze the data using SPSS software version 26.
Findings: The findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the five dimensions of social status and the three dimensions of social capital. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between librarians views on social status and its dimensions in the interaction between academic degree and work experience. Examination of the sub-components also showed that there is a significant difference in the structural dimension and librarians with different degrees have different views on the structural dimension.
Originality/value: This study is innovative in that it has studied the social status and social capital of librarians from the perspective of Khuzestan indigenous culture and has examined the demographic variables in the relationship between social status and social capital of librarians.
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Type of Study: quantitative | Subject: Libraries Services
Received: 2021/12/10 | Accepted: 2022/03/7 | Published: 2022/05/31

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