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Seifi L, Ayati M. The Effect of Mobile Social Networking on the Reading Habit of the Student Teachers of Frahangian University in South Khorasan Province. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2020; 26 (4) :697-721
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-2076-en.html
University of Birjand , leili.seifi@birjand.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4063 Views)
Purpose: Since today the use of mobile phones is extremely widespread, and individuals with different age groups and social classes devote a considerable amount of time to using these social networks, training the use of these networks can provide a platform for improving reading habits among young people. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Telegram messenger networks on the reading habits of the student teachers of Farhangian University of South Khorasan Province.
Method: The current research is an applied study in terms of purpose and a quasi-experimental one in terms of data gathering method, using a pretest-posttest design on an experimental group and a control group. The research population included all the student teachers of Farhangian University of South Khorasan Province who studied in the academic year of 2017-2018. Student teachers' reading habits were measured using the Palsani and Sharma (1989) study habits questionnaire. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.70. Based on the aim of the present study, Telegram was considered a context to study the reading habits of student teachers and a protocol based on the framework of Rogers Innovation Theory was designed and then the experimental group was given the necessary training.
Findings: The results show that there no significant difference between the mean scores of reading habits of the experimental group (mean=6/43, SD= 21/43) and control group (-1/58, SD=18/83) (t=-1/58, p=0/12). An analysis of the findings reveals that students actually find it difficult to read through mobile-based messaging networks, and therefore it can be concluded that increasing the level of knowledge and skills of students in using these networks can increase the probability of its impact in reading. The results also showed that although mobile-based messaging networks have many capabilities in the exchange of information, educational goals, development and promotion of reading culture, in the present study, they had no effect on the reading habit of the student teachers of Farhangian University. It seems that due to the lack of student teachers' knowledge, they have not acquired the skills required to use this platform for improving reading habits. Student teachers also find it difficult to read through messenger networks. Therefore, they need a structured education in this area as the main requirements enabling them to use this platform for studying and exchanging scientific information.
Originality/value: Considering that previous research used the quantitative research approach, the present study has a methodological innovation implemented in the context of the Farhangian University in South Khorasan Province.
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Type of Study: quantitative |
Received: 2020/04/7 | Accepted: 2020/06/28 | Published: 2021/02/27

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