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Ghaderi V, jafari M, Familrouhani A A. A Survey of Relationship between Organizational Culture and Knowledge Management in Kermanshah Province Public Libraries. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2016; 22 (1) :95-120
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-1268-en.html
, ghaderivenus@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (5232 Views)

Purpose: The present paper mainly aims to identify the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management in Kermanshah province public libraries.

Methodology: this research implemented by survey method. Data collection instruments to measure the study variables include: 1) Dennison Organization Culture Questionnaire to measure organizational culture in indices such as involvement, adaptability, mission and integration. Knowledge Management Questionnaire as a comprehensive and standardized questionnaire in the area of knowledge management. Based on the most recent statistics until the end of November 2013, the community of study was composed of 85 librarians in Kermanshah public libraries. By considering the limited number of these librarians, sampling method was not used, and the total population of the study was studied, i.e. census method was used. Finally, 82 questionnaires were collected. To analyze data, inferential and descriptive statistics was applied. In the descriptive statistics level, some indices including frequency, median and mean was used and in inferential statistics, indices such as Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test for single sample and normality test for Kolmogorov Smirnov was used.

Findings: findings indicated that the level of organizational culture and knowledge management in Kermanshah public libraries was average and there was a significant relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management. Also, there was a significant relationship between involvement, adaptability, mission and integration and knowledge management. Finally, there was no significant difference between dimensions of  organizational culture and knowledge management, based on the demographic variables (gender, age, education, work experience, etc).

Originality/Value: On the basis of this research, we can approvingly state that for the creation and improvement of knowledge management tools in Iran Public Libraries Foundation, Organizational Culture is a meaningful factor that most be considered across the policy making and implementation. 

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Type of Study: quantitative | Subject: Cultural Studies
Received: 2014/11/17 | Accepted: 2016/07/9 | Published: 2016/07/9

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