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Ghadesi S, karimian M A. Relationship between Library Anxiety and Computer Attitude (CAS Model) of Dezful Public Libraries’ Users . Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2016; 21 (4) :587-604
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-982-en.html
, Shghadesi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (5042 Views)

Purpose: This Study aims at the Investigation of the Relationship between Library Anxiety and Computer Attitude (CAS Model) Of Dezful Public Libraries’ Users.

Methodology: This research has been done using analytical survey method. Research sample was 370 users that selected randomly from all 10757 users of public libraries of Dezful. Number of sample size calculated using Morgan table. We used two questionnaires (Bostick, 1992 for Library Anxiety and Loyd and Gressard, 1984 for Computer Attitude Scale) for gathering data.

Findings: Results showed that based on Library Anxiety Criteria “Felling of uncomforting with the library” (Mean=4.41) was the important anxious component. Based on Friedman variance analysis for computer attitude, results showed that “computer usefulness” (Mean=3.06) was the most important component and “computer anxiety” (mean=1.84) was the least important one, and both library anxiety and computer attitude scale did not have differential correlation with age, sex, and literacy (based on t-test and ANOVA test). Finally, results showed that “library anxiety” had correlation (Sig. = 0.001) with “computer attitude” scale and thus, “computer attitude” was a strong predictor of the library anxiety.

Originality/Value: on the basis of suggestions raised from this research, librarians should concentrate on the perceptions of users about computer use and making convenience in the use of computer to lessen library anxiety. 

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Type of Study: quantitative |
Received: 2013/11/11 | Accepted: 2016/04/10 | Published: 2016/04/10

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