Abdulmajid A, Saberi M, Afshar M. Co-authorship for Papers presented in Iranian LIS Specialized Conferences during 2004-2007. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2010; 16 (3) :87-101
Majlis Research Center , Abdulmajid1981@gmail.com
Abstract: (12093 Views)
Purpose: The aim of present research is to determine the level of co-authorship among authors participating in Iranian LIS specialized conferences during 2004-2007.
Methodology: Scientometry is used in this study and it is descriptive. The population under study consisted of papers presented in Iranian LIS specialized conferences during 2004-2007. Data collection was initially carried out manually using two forms for input data which were designed by the researchers. Afterwards, the collected data was inserted into a database in Excel software. Then, considering the questions, data were counted, ranked, and sorted for required analyses.
Findings: Results of present study showed that, regarding 269 papers presented in Iranian LIS specialized conferences, 469 authors have participated and the average number of authors in each paper is 1.74. Concerning their gender, 55.65% were male while 44.35% were female. Analysis of the obtained results concerning the most active institutes and university centers indicated that Isfahan University of medical sciences has had the highest participation in Iranian LIS specialized conferences, with 38 papers. Also, with 32 co-authored papers, this university has assigned the highest number of co-authored papers among other Iranian institutes and university centers. Regarding co-authorship, the results indicated that 57.25% of the papers in these specialized conferences had a single author. It seems that authors’ tendency to co-authored papers has increased in recent years. Also, collaboration coefficient for authors of papers presented in Iranian LIS specialized conferences was estimated to be 0.16. In general, co-authorship among LIS experts in Iranian specialized conferences has low level, though evidence indicates an improvement and increase in level of co-authorship for papers in future years.
Originality/Value: Value of this paper remains in determination of the pattern for scientific collaboration of researchers and librarians who have participated in Iranian LIS specialized conferences.
Type of Study:
quantitative |
Bibliometrics, Sientometrics, Webometrics, Informetrics Received: 2012/08/4 | Accepted: 2018/02/17 | Published: 2018/02/17