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A Historical Analysis of Public Communication of Science in the Public Science Magazines published during 1910-2010. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2013; 19 (2) :235-255
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-935-en.html
Abstract:   (11236 Views)
Purpose: This study illuminates some lights on public communication dissemination of science magazines as a possible contributive factor to the structural changes in the public communication of Science in Iranian society.
Methodology: A historical analysis of some documents representing the status of Science in Iran was conducted.  It also conducted a content analysis of a random sample of public science magazines. . As the sample included documents with  no systematic record, the study also created a list of these documents for the first time.
 Findings: The study revealed that the magazines have played at least three roles in changing the cultural space of Iranian society.  These were: a) introducing the infrastructure needed for development of Science; b) commemoration and acknowledgement of science by magazines; c)  quantitative development in the  corresponding public communication of Science institutions.
Originality/value: This research is the first dealt with the role of public science magazines in structural changes in Iran. Considering public science magazines as a cultural space, this study illuminate the role of such magazines in the formation and transformation of  public communication of Science in Iran. 
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Type of Study: quantitative | Subject: Documents Management (Archive)
Received: 2013/09/4 | Accepted: 2013/12/5 | Published: 2013/12/5

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