Moradmand A. Comparative Study of the Factors Encouraging or Inhibiting Informal Study from Viewpoint of Male and Female Graduate Students in Tarbiat Moallem Azerbaijan University
. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2010; 16 (2) :95-114
Tarbiat Moallem Azerbaijan University ,
Abstract: (10357 Views)
Purpose: The aim of present research is comparative study of the factors encouraging or inhibiting informal study among male and female graduate students in Tarbiat Moallem Azerbaijan University, as well as evaluation of the amount of their informal study.
Methodology: This research used survey method. The population under study included 260 students among 2600 graduate university students (1500 male and 1100 female students) in Tarbiat Moallem Azerbaijan University. A questionnaire was used for data collection. This questionnaire was analyzed and confirmed by faculty members of Tarbiat Moallem Azerbaijan University. Also, its reliability was measured in SPSS software as Kronbach alpha which was 0.872, which indicates good reliability. Descriptive and analytical statistical methods were used to answer the study questions and test the hypotheses.
Findings: a) There is a significant difference between the amount of informal study in female and male university students, and mean amount of informal study among all students was 30 minutes; b) No significant difference was observed in the factors encouraging informal study and the gender variable; c) There is significant difference in some factors inhibiting informal study and the gender variable. For instance, use of internet, computer games, not being optimistic to future, and not considering science as valuable; d) In general, the most significant factors which inhibit informal study from the viewpoint of mentioned students are high cost of books, no access to favorite books, high amount of university assignments, watching TV, no sufficient free time for study, no desirable advertisement concerning study, not being used to studying from childhood, few number of public libraries, people’s not considering knowledge as valuable, not being optimistic to future, amusement programs, economic problems, use of internet, low circulation of books, and computer games; e) The main factors encouraging informal study include being used to studying from childhood, possessing a personal library, development of book-reading centers, encouragement by university professors, teachers, parents, and friends, existence of a library in vicinity of education place, training the techniques for studying, increase in family’s income, level of education, studying and social position of family members, and holding book-reading competitions.
Originality/Value: This comparative research has been carried out for the first time on the factors encouraging or inhibiting informal study from viewpoint of female and male university students. Previous studies have mostly been performed regarding the amount and subjects of informal study among the students.
Type of Study:
quantitative |
Received: 2012/08/2 | Accepted: 2018/02/14 | Published: 2018/02/14