Ashrafi Rizi H, Kazempour Z. A Survey on Level of Occupational Satisfaction among Managers of Iran Public Libraries Foundation in Centers of Provinces. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2010; 16 (1) :127-141
Isfahan University of medical sciences ,
Abstract: (11214 Views)
Purpose: This research has been performed to determine the level of occupational satisfaction among managers of Iran Public Libraries Foundation in center of provinces.
Methodology: The methodology of this research is of survey type and a questionnaire made by the researchers was used. The population under study included all managers of Iran Public Libraries Foundation in center of provinces, i.e. 189 individuals.
Findings: According to research findings, average level of occupational satisfaction among managers is 81.54, while the desired level is 135. However, since the average level of occupational satisfaction in this study was more than 81, occupational satisfaction of the managers under study was a bit higher than average level. Average level of occupational satisfaction was lower than mean level in following dimensions: concerning occupational welfare, it was 8.47 (average mean = 12); its level concerning self-development was 14.80 (average mean = 18); concerning occupational nature, it was 20.94 (average mean = 21). Also the average level of occupational satisfaction was higher than mean level in following dimensions: concerning the attitude of top managers, its level was 15.41 (average mean = 12); its level concerning mutual relations was 11.55 (average mean = 9); concerning occupational stability, it was 9.44 (average mean = 9). Furthermore, hypothesis 1 was confirmed, stating that the level of occupational satisfaction of managers regarding occupational welfare is significantly lower than other dimensions; nonetheless, hypothesis 2 which stated the existence of a significant difference among average levels of occupational satisfaction of librarians based on their educational major was rejected.
Originality/Value: This research has been carried out for gathering information about the occupational satisfaction among managers in Iran Public Libraries Foundation. It also presents fundamental issues in librarianship and information science which require further in-depth studies.
Type of Study:
quantitative |
Received: 2012/08/2 | Accepted: 2018/02/17 | Published: 2018/02/17