Mansouri L, Hosseinzadeh A H, Navah A. Investigating the role of organizational culture (job security, job satisfaction and organizational justice) on the work alienation, case study: librarians of public libraries in Khouzestan province.. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2015; 20 (4) :627-641
Abstract: (10679 Views)
Purpose: This study attempts to identify work alienation, and the effect of organizational culture on this, using a sociological approach.
Methodology: The method used for this study is a survey and data collected by questionnaire. The population of this study is all librarians from public libraries in the Khuzestan province. The data were analyzed using the software SPSS16. To test the hypotheses, Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis were used.
Results: The results showed that job satisfaction, job security and organizational justice (as independent variables), together with the work alienation of labor (the dependent variable), have a meaningful relationship. Multivariate regression analysis results also indicate that independent variables are predicted as totaling 0.46 of the variance of the work alienation.
Originality/Value: Sociological approach to public librarians problems, have been got very less attention. This research is among the initiatory papers that proceeded in the Khuzestan province.
Type of Study:
quantitative |
Received: 2013/05/24 | Accepted: 2015/04/25 | Published: 2015/04/25
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پژوهش لازمه ی هر توسعه و پیشرفتی در هر زمینه ای است.البته پژوهشی که از نتایج آن بهره ی عملی و کاربردی برد.پژوهش در کنار آموزش از ارکان اساسی و لازم برای توسعه و پیشرفت است.در کنار آموزش های عمومی و تخصصی رایج این پژوهش و تحقیق است که به ما می گوید احتیاج به چه آموزشی و در چه زمینه ای و برای کدام هدف نیازمندیم.متاسفانه استفاده از نتایج پژوهش در برنامه ریزی و فعالیتها شاید در حد نزدیک به صفر باشد.این نگاه بدبینانه حاصل تجربیات و مطالعاتی است که شاید همه ی ما آن را لمس کرده ایم.انشاالله این مهم اصلاح و به علوم انسانی مانند دیگر رشته ها توجه شود.
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