Mirfakhraddiny S H, Tahari Mehrjardi M H, Zareei Mahmod Abadi M. Prioritizing Factors Effecting Improvement Quality of Library Services Based on Attributes of Libqual Model Through MADM Approach. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2013; 18 (4) :463-492
Jahad Daneshgahi Institute , Hooseintahari@yahoo.com
Abstract: (10656 Views)
Purpose: Effective measurement and analysis of factors affecting service quality is the first necessary step to improve performance of libraries and information centers. In this study tried to identify the most important factors influencing the quality of library services, and then prioritize such factors using the multi-attribute decision making.
Method: questionnaire was developed using Libqual model and was distributed among users of public libraries in Yazd province. Responses were ranked using SAW, TOPSIS and ELECTRE methods. Since the results in some cases were non-conformant, COPLAND method was employed to reach to a consensus of the ranking
Findings: After analyzing questionnaires, Factors of service quality was ranked by ELECTRE، TOPSIS and SAW methods. Since the results of applying these methods were not similar, we used an integrative method namely COPLAND method. Results Showed that Dimensions of effectiveness of services are at a higher level than other aspects.
Originality/Value: Library managers, using multiple attribute decision making are able to rank effective dimensions on services quality. With regard to these dimensions, they can plan to reform and improve their service quality.
Type of Study:
quantitative |
Statistical Analysis Received: 2013/03/4 | Accepted: 2013/07/18 | Published: 2013/07/18