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Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran , hjahangeer@birjand.ac.ir
Abstract:   (486 Views)
Purpose: The present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating Saman library portals from the point of view of public library librarians in Razavi and South Khorasan provinces.
Method: This research was applied in a survey method. Among 436 librarians working in public libraries, 261 people were selected as samples. The tool of data collection was a researcher-made questionnaire, which was designed in eight components in the form of 81 items, and after checking the validity and reliability, it was given to the research community.
Findings: The results showed that in the investigated portals, the "writing quality" component had the highest average with (3.73) and the "content management" and "personalization" components had the lowest average. Also, the results showed that the average of all eight components was higher than the average level (number 3) and lower than the desired level (number 4). The results showed that, in general, the application of eight evaluation components in Saman library portals was in "good" condition (more than 60 to 80 percent), but it was far from the desired level.There was a difference between the average of the eight components of the evaluation of library portals, so that the three components "personalization", "content management" and "writing quality" had more significant differences than other components, while which is between the average components of "personalization and content management", "protection and security and accessibility", "trust and reference and information search and retrieval", "trust and reference and information", "trust" and reference and accessibility", "searching and retrieving information and providing information" and "searching and retrieving information and accessibility" there was no significant difference. A significant difference was observed between the mean judgment scores of librarians regarding the use of evaluation dimensions in library portals with favorable status (number 4).
Originality/value: due to the fact that so far no research has been done specifically to evaluate Saman library portals from the point of view of public library librarians, the present research has originality in terms of method and subject and the value of this research lies in this. which can help managers and designers of Saman library portals to improve the facilities and capabilities of the portals and provide better services. It seems better to use librarians' opinions in their design to improve the performance of portals.
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Type of Study: quantitative | Subject: IT in Information Center
Received: 2023/11/30 | Accepted: 2024/02/29

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