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Keshvari M, Amiri S. A Thematic Analysis of Outreach Services in Public Libraries News: Study of the IPLF’s News Website. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2024; 30 (3) :312-330
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-2519-en.html
Knowledge and Information Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran , m.keshvari@edu.ui.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1545 Views)
Objective: Despite the growth of practical experiences, especially in recent years, there is not much knowledge about the outreach services of Iran public libraries. In this regard, the main objective of this research is to identify the themes related to outreach services in Iranian public libraries.
Method: The present research is qualitative and was conducted using the method of thematic analysis of the news published on the IPLF’s website. Based on the predefined criteria, 37 eligible news items were examined. The data were analyzed and examined using MAXQDA software (2019 version).
Results: According to the reviewed news, five main themes were identified: "social inclusion", "creation of social capital", "strengthening social well-being", "promoting reading culture", and "strengthening community values". The two themes of "social inclusion" and "creation of social capital" were the focus of 95% and 65% of the news about outreach services, respectively. Additionally, the categories of "focus on deprivation" and "creating social joy" were reflected in 14% and 13% of the news items, respectively, more than other categories.
Conclusions: This study is among the first research efforts to examine the themes related to outreach services in public libraries. The identified themes, largely linked to the social responsibility of public libraries, indicate the "social value and goodness" of these organizations within communities. It is evident that the findings of this research can serve as a basis for designing a model for library outreach services. Furthermore, attention to this matter could lead to planning and policymaking by public libraries to address unserved communities.
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Type of Study: qualitative | Subject: Libraries Services
Received: 2023/11/12 | Accepted: 2024/03/15 | Published: 2024/10/1

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