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Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan , Iran , Sfomilroahany@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (644 Views)
Purpose: Nowadays, bibliotherapy is known as an effective strategy to gain self-knowledge. Librarians should have sufficient self-knowledge that personal motivation of librarians is necessary to achieve this goalThe purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of bibliotherapy by implementing the self-knowledge skill plan with the theme of twelve archetypes of personal journey on the sense of health and quality of life of librarians
Method: The method of this research is quasi-experimental using the research design of unequal control group. In the experimental group, bibliotherapy sessions were held and no interventions were performed more than usual in the research environment. The sample of the research community choson From 40 librarians Hamadan Public Libraries (20 women and 20 men), Who were present at the time of distribution of the questionnaires and completed the questionnaire if desired.This sample was randomly divided into control and experimental groups.And they ensured homogeneity in terms of age, sex, education level, marital and celibate status and other variables The research instruments included two questionnaires: Pearson Marr, World Health Organization Quality of Life, and Goldberg and Haller Public Health.The General Health QuestionnaireThis research consisted of two questionnaires to measure the quality of life of the World Organization and the public health of Goldberg and Hellier. The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) is in the form of Likert, which is considered to be 0 at all, 1 as usual, 2 more than usual, and 3 much more than usual. The maximum score of the subject with this method will be 84. In this test, a lower score indicates health and a higher score indicates lack of health and discomfort in the person. And the World Health Organization's quality of life questionnaire is a 26-question questionnaire that measures a person's overall quality of life. A higher score indicates a higher quality of life. The experimental group participated in sixteen Bibliotherapy intervention sessions using archetypes. The therapist researchers used two books as My Graceful Life: The Most Effective Strategies for Self-Analysis and Enriching Relationships with Others written by Pearson-Carroll, Mar and the book Awakening the Inner Hero. by Patricia Addson (2014). Data analysis was done using simple multivariate covariance analysis (mancova) in spss statistical software.
Findings: Results of The results showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of the twocomponents, feeling of mental health and quality of life in the control and experimental groups. Also, the results of analysis of covariance showed the effect of bibliotherapy on increasing the physical health Public Librarians of the province 0.258%, mental health 0.299%, social relations 0.411%, and the effect of bibliotherapy on quality The total was 0.480 percent.
Originality/value: So far, no research has been done on the effect of bibliotherapy through the implementation of the self-knowledge skill plan with the theme of twelve archetypes of personal journey on librarians' sense of health and quality of life, and this is the first research carried out in this ar The results of this research can be a guide for librarians training officials as well as senior managers to solve the existing deficiencies in various fields by knowing about the librarianship profession. Self-knowledge with the archetypes of the personal journey of librarians consists of self-evaluation and self-valuation. This issue is very important in the case of a job such as librarianship. Therefore, according to the materials mentioned in this research, it can be concluded that librarians can acquire proper self-knowledge. and after that constructive thinking and transferring experiences to others have an effect on their professional independence.
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Type of Study: qualitative | Subject: Psychological Studies
Received: 2023/09/14 | Accepted: 2024/01/7

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