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Akbari A. A Feasibility Study of Creative Economics in Public Libraries: Using Grounded Theory Method. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2021; 27 (4) :581-610
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-2359-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Branch of Arak, Iran , akbari1149@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2482 Views)
Purpose: Libraries as social institutions have an indispensable role in meeting the educational and cultural needs of society. However, the economic downturn has increasingly increased the costs of library services, and consequently, limited them in implementation of the programs. Creative economics is a shortcut to making money through art, culture, and science that can partially solve the problem of library budgets. For this purpose, the present study seeks to investigate the pattern of earning income in public libraries with a creative economics approach.
Method: This research is fundamental in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of nature, which was conducted by using the grounded theory method. Participants were 19 expert experts with sufficient experience and interest in the research topic. They were selected from the fields of librarianship, entrepreneurship, and economics by purposive sampling method from a wide range of communites. Data collection was performed using semi-structured interviews and systematic open-ended questions through telephone and virtual networks. The interviews continued until sufficient information was obtained for saturation.
Findings: Data analysis showed that the theoretical basis of the revenue model in libraries consisted of six core components: 1. management mechanisms with sub-components of: nurturing role of senior managers in creating change, providing facilities and equipment, contribution of librarians, and management’s attention to creative human resources; 2. financial and administrative mechanisms which include: development and stabilization of resources and optimization of expenditures, resource management, administrative support for investment, and increasing the financial strength of libraries; 3. proper mechanisms with sub-components of: amending the libraries’ establishment law, creating a legal process for obtaining revenue licenses, clarification of laws and regulations; 4. educational mechanisms which include: in-service training in and familiarity with interactive methods, training and creation, changing training methods, familiarity with new training methods, and changing the attitude of managers to training methods; 5. revenue-generating mechanisms with sub-components of: creating logical interaction with customers, designing service delivery and plans, setting a schedule of financial independence, creating a wide network of product distribution; and 6. structural mechanisms including: strong and continuous support for management programs, improving the quality of cultural services and products, improving social status, promoting specialized management, preparing a strategic document for the creative economy. The development of library services depends on the intelligent mechanisms of the creative economy of these components.
Originality/value: While the economic downturn and the lack of financial resources have forced libraries to choose the extra income path for their survival, no research has been done on this subject in Iran. Creative economics and entrepreneurship allow libraries to generate revenue through art, culture, and science. Creative revenue will be a big step towards budget independence and reducing the financial burden on libraries, and consequently, reducing staff livelihood concerns, financing acquisitions and up-to-date resources, as well as maintenance of library building. Of course, it should be noted that the creative economy does not only harm the provision of standard library services but also puts public services on the path to prosperity and development due to the legitimacy of social capital and the revenue it brings to libraries.
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Type of Study: qualitative | Subject: Qualitative Studies
Received: 2021/10/2 | Accepted: 2022/01/23 | Published: 2022/03/1

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