fadaee G. Editorial: The Foundation of the Faculty of Information Sciences and Knowledge Studies Which Did Not Last Long. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2019; 25 (3) :367-374
Abstract: (3148 Views)
In 2010, the Faculty of Information Sciences and Knowledge Studies founded in the University of Tehran but unfortunately it was closed down after 5 years. This faculty was established as a result of an agreement between the National Library and Archives of Iran and University of Tehran. This catastrophe, i.e. the dissolution of the faculty, was due to several changes, including: the change of the director of the faculty, the change of the dean of the University of Tehran, and the change of the manager of the National library. Of course, the main problem relates to the faculty members who were rather inexperienced. Therefore, when the National Library did not fulfill its duty and did not support monetarily the University of Tehran, the latter could not afford the expenses for maintenance of the faculty. Ultimately, the faculty returned to its origin, that is, it became a group again, but this time it was put under the authority of the Faculty of Management, while it was previously affiliated with the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (also called the Faculty of Psychology and Education).
Type of Study:
quantitative |
Information Management and Knowledge Management Received: 2019/12/29 | Accepted: 2019/12/29 | Published: 2019/12/29