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yari S. Visibility of Kermanshah Public Libraries. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2017; 23 (2) :173-198
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-1539-en.html
, yari.shiva@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3920 Views)

Purpose: public librarians' efforts and straggles usually were devoted to attract users and develop their reading ability. Active presence and use of clients depend on their awareness and knowledge about library and its services and library as a being made visible foundation. So the main purpose of this research is to survey visibility of public libraries in Kermanshah city from members' viewpoints.
Methodology: This research was done through survey method in autumn 2015. A researcher-made questionnaire has used to collect data. Reliability of questionnaire was approved by professionals. Test and re-test have been used to measure the stability of questionnaire. The correlation coefficient was 0/81. The statistical sample contained 375 members of Kermanshah city public libraries. 286 questionnaires were filled out, returned and analyzed.
Findings: users believed that Internet is the most important channel for access to information resources. The main channel to acquaintance with public libraries was by friends. Members’ main tool for identification of Library sections were bulletin boards and principal way of locating a library was by their friends’ help. Members believed that library promotion plans are so weak. Members said that the most important service of public libraries is reading rooms. Members’ had a deem awareness about library services. They said that library is a very important place but they affirmed that they had not enough information about library services and other libraries’ location.
Originality/Value: public libraries function already is based on reading room services. Promotional activities should be planned for more visibility and application. This article’s contribution seems to be the indication of promotional designs and plans for public libraries.

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Subject: Qualitative Studies
Received: 2016/02/1 | Accepted: 2017/09/27 | Published: 2017/09/27

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