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Azargoon M. Job Burnout of Public librarians in Iran: A Survey on Effective Factors. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2017; 22 (4) :603-630
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-1306-en.html
, Maryam.azargoon2020@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4727 Views)
Purpose: This research aims at the identification of factors affecting Iranian public librarians’ burnout in Iran. Public librarians working in Iran Public Libraries Foundation as a national foundation for public libraries administration are on the target of this study.
Methodology: We used mixed method strategy with exploratory orientation. In first phase, I used qualitative approach and interviewed with 20 experts to extract underpinning factors that affect job burnout. On the basis of extracted elements, I constructed a questionnaire for survey truthfulness of elements and degree and level of their importance and interrelations among them. Validity of questions approved with a few number of related university professors. With simple random sampling, I chose 400 public librarians to fill the questionnaire. After data collection phase, reliability of the questionnaire estimated (0.93). For categorization of collected data, I used factor analysis method by means of SPSS with 25 Varimax rotations and after categorization, priority setting and labeling, I recommended a conceptual model.
Findings: findings showed that six factors affected job burnout of Iranian public librarians: 1. Economic factors 2. Governmental factors 3. Corporate-occupational factors 4. Personal factors 5. Socio-cultural-family factors and 6. Management and communication factors.
Originality/Value: In this research I tried to take a comprehensive approach to extract factors affecting burnout via a mix method with two phases. Economical factors and its detailed sub factors (job payments and peripheral welfare condition, conditioned library budget, work time difficulty) are the most important variables in job burnout.
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Type of Study: quantitative |
Received: 2015/01/28 | Accepted: 2017/03/11 | Published: 2017/03/11

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