Seifi L, Asgari A. Work Life Quality and Burnout of Public Librarians of South Khaorsan in Iran. Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2017; 22 (4) :631-651
University of Birjand ,
Abstract: (5045 Views)
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the quality of work life and job burnout among public librarians of South Khorasan Province in Iran.
Methodology: we used survey method for this research. The population consisted of all librarians (110 person) working in public libraries in South Khorasan Province. 86 person selected with simple random method as sample. The “Walton” questionnaire of quality of work life and “Maslach” burnout inventory were used for data collection. content validity of questionnaire approved with a few number of experts. albeit, questionnaires used previously by other researchers and validity of questionnaires successfully tested by them. For evaluation of questionnaires reliability, we used Cronbach's alpha. Estimated values were 0.92 for the quality of working life, and 0.90 for the job burnout.
Findings: Altogether, the quality of work life of public librarians was significantly lower than the desired level (Mestimate= 2.96, desired level=3 ). The job Burnout of public librarians was significantly higher than the desired level (Mestimate = 4.24, desired level=3). There was a meaningful negative relationship between the quality of work life and job burnout and Librarians’ job burnout was predictable from the quality of work life.
Originality/Value: This research is valuable because of indication of high level job burnout of Iranian public librarians. This level of burnout could be alarming for administration of Iran Public Libraries Foundation.
Type of Study:
quantitative |
Received: 2014/11/8 | Accepted: 2017/03/11 | Published: 2017/03/11