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hakimi R, Tabasi M A, Sorinezami Z. Studying of the Librarian's Social Status in Iran (The Case Study of South East Provinces of Iran). Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2016; 22 (1) :159-172
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-1192-en.html
, hakimirz@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (5208 Views)

Purpose: The Current research was directed towards determining the social statues of the librarian from the point of view of the inhabitants in the south east provinces of Iran.

Methodology: This survey was carried out on the pattern of the descriptive method. The Study was carried out in 2013. Our community of study was the people of Zahedan, Kerman and Birjand. Our sample was 800 people who were Cluster- randomly chosen among the different studied jobs and we used a researcher-made questionnaire for collecting data.

Findings: The findings of the survey showed that social status of the librarians was in the mediocre level. The social status of academic librarians was higher than the social status of public librarians in the viewpoint of people. The community of research believed that the important factors to increase social status of librarians were as follows: The sense responsibility, the sufficient information literature of the librarians, having information knowledge to reply user, and enough skills of communication with users.

Originality/Value: By Studying social statutes and extracting effective factors determining social statues librarians, the professional communities and directors can concentrate on the ingredient elements.

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Type of Study: quantitative | Subject: Theoretical Research on Library and Information Science
Received: 2014/08/11 | Accepted: 2016/07/9 | Published: 2016/07/9

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