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Hassanzadeh M, Hokmabadi R. Correlation between Organizational Culture and Quality of Services in Iran Public Libraries (Case Study of Mashhad City) . Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2016; 21 (4) :549-567
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-1076-en.html
Tarbiat Modares University (TMU) , hasanzadeh@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5776 Views)

Purpose: The purpose of the present article is the Investigation on the relationship between organizational culture and quality of services in the libraries affiliated to Iran Public Libraries Foundation in the Mashhad city.

Methodology: This research was based on survey research method. The populations under question include employees and users of Mashhad city public libraries. For the extraction of significant results, this research carried out in the libraries with more than 3 librarians. Thus, According to the information received from the Department of Public Libraries of Mashhad city, 16 libraries were selected. These libraries have 56 employees that all of them formed the sample with by considering census method sampling. Among the users, due to its large population, we used stratified – random sampling and based on Krejcie & Morgan, we selected 379 users as sample. The research data was collected with two standard questionnaires. To this end, we used organizational culture questionnaire based on Denison Model and quality of services questionnaire based on Libqual Model.

Findings: The results indicated that although organizational culture score was further than dead line, but the public libraries organizational culture was far from ideal. Based on the research findings, all traits of Denison Organizational Culture Model except “Empowerment” (Involvement, Adaptability, Consistency and Mission), had low average. Towards the quality of services in public libraries, scores of dimensions of “affect of service” and “library as place” were above average and score of dimension of “information control” had low average. However, findings indicated that from user perspective, there was a meaningful difference between services offered and services expected. Based on the averages, offered services were lower than services expected. Furthermore, results showed that there was not meaningful relationship between traits of organizational culture and dimensions of quality of services. The only correlation was a inverse relationship between trait of “consistency” and dimension of “information control and quality of services”.

Originality/Value: this research tried as a preliminary research to investigate the correlation between organizational culture and quality of services in public libraries of Iran. With regard to the results, this research originally indicated that the organizational culture was not penetrated in the services offered with public libraries.

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Type of Study: quantitative | Subject: Statistical Analysis
Received: 2014/02/22 | Accepted: 2016/04/9 | Published: 2016/04/9

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