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Asadian F, Sotudeh H, Pourhassan B. Toy Library: World Experiences and Suggestion for Establishment of National Toy Library in Iran . Research on Information Science and Public Libraries 2011; 16 (4) :5-29
URL: http://publij.ir/article-1-101-en.html
Shiraz University , sotudeh@shirazu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (13368 Views)
Purpose: With the aim of introducing toy libraries together with their associated goals, services, activities and structures, and through presenting an image of world experiences in the field, this research tries to emphasize the increasing importance of such centers in children’s development and remind the necessity of the respective practical activities in Iran.
Methodology: This research has used library study. Toy libraries in the world which had website and portal were identified. In total, status of 50 libraries was investigated.
Findings: Different characteristics of these libraries were studied, including their budget, services, size of the collection, types of materials, organization method, and rules. Finally, the suggestion was made so as to establish “the Iranian national game and toy library”.
Originality/Value: This is the first research of its type which has made an attempt to provide the novel idea of establishing “the Iranian national game and toy library” based upon identification of world toy libraries and introduction to them. Not only the goal of such a library would be to maintain Iranian game and toy culture, but also providing services in this field is among its main goals.
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Type of Study: quantitative | Subject: Management and Evaluation of Libraries
Received: 2012/08/5 | Accepted: 2018/02/13 | Published: 2018/02/13

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