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Showing 7 results for Motivation

Masoomeh Abdollahi, Professor Abdolrasoul Jowkar, Jafar Torkzadeh, Raziyeh Sheikholeslami,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2016)

Purpose: This study aimed at the investigation of the attitudes of public librarians in Fars Province towards the content-base and process-base factors affecting their motivations.

Methodology: The survey method was used for the implementation of research. The statistical population included 227 public librarians in Fars province, Iran. According to Morganۥs table and through single-step cluster random sampling, 144 librarians were selected. Motivation factors questionnaire, constructed by Izadi (2011) was used as the research tool. Data was analyzed through t-test and ANOVA test.

Findings: The results showed that there is a significant difference between content-base and process-base factors affecting motivations of public librarians. Also, results indicated that the factors affecting the content of the librarians' motivation were “hygiene factors”, “z theory factors”, “hierarchy of needs”, “esteem needs” and so forth. Again, factors affecting the process of the librarian’s motivation included: “embrace attribution factors”, “theory of equality factors”, “goal setting and value - expected at a time”, “reinforcement and social learning at a time”, and the “cognitive evaluation”.

Originality/Value: Each group of librarians in the different contexts, situations, and locations has their own motivational elements that should be noticed. This research introduced Fars province public librarians motivational factors and one can concentrate to this elements to increase the motivation.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (2-2017)

Job Motivation and performance appraisal

Mr Abbas Hosseinzadeh Bandaghiri, Mr Seyd Ali Asghar Razavi, Mr Abdollah Fazelli,
Volume 24, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of self-efficiency and psychological hardiness on job burnout through the mediating role of job motivation among the employees of public libraries of Khuzestan province.
Methodology: This is an applied research is that has conducted using a descriptive survey research approach. The research population includes all the employees of public libraries of Khuzestan province from whom 175 persons were randomly selected by simple random sampling using Krejcie-Morgan Table. The data were collected using questionnaires on self-efficiency, psychological hardiness, job burnout and job motivation, and were analyzed by using SPSS 23 and Amos software programs. The results of validity test were indicative of the validity of all the questionnaires. Moreover, the reliability of all the questionnaires were high 70/0.
Findings: The Results showed that the variables of self-efficiency and psychological hardiness had a significant direct negative effect on job burnout of the employees of public libraries of Khuzestan province. Also, these variables had a significant indirect effect on job burnout through the mediating role of job motivation of the employees.
Originality/value: The phenomenon of job burnout is affected by a variety of factors. Among these factors, the role and effect of individual psychological factors such as self-efficiency and psychological hardiness are very important.
Faramarz Soheili, Zahra Solgi, Elham Khanjar,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Purpose: The present research aims to compare the effect of storytelling, book reading and showing films on the motivation for and interest in reading in the 7- to 10-year-old children who referred to public libraries of the city of Kermanshah.
Method: This is a semi-experimental research on tree groups, i.e. pretest, posttest and follow-up. The statistial population of the study included all 7- to 10-year-old children from whom 30 individuals were selected using a purposeful and homogeneous sampling method, and then were organized into in three groups. The research data were collected by using two researcher-made questionnaires (i.e. Level of Motivation for and Interest in Reading Questionnaire, and Parents Questionnaire) designed with the cooperation of a number of KIS and pscychology professors. The questionnaires' validity were confirmed by 4 professors in the fields of educational sciences and KIS and their reliability scores calculated using the Cronbach's alpha method were found to be 0.746 and 0.823, respectively. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) and repeated measurement variance analysis were used data to analyze the data.
Findings: The findings showed that in all three groups (storytelling, book reading, and showing films), the amount of motivation for and interest in reading was increased immediately after training and one month after training, but the storytelling method had more effect on the rate of children's motivation for and interest in reading compared to the other methods.
Originality/value: The value of this research lies in its showing the importance of storytelling for making children interested in reading, such that the results indicated that all three methods of storytelling, reading and showing films can be effective methods to increase the motivation and interest of children, though storytelling is more effective. In general, all three methods make the child interested in the library. For this reason, those children who attend the sessions of storytelling, reading and film shows would become more interested in library and reading.
Hossein Pishgoo, Asma Mollazehi,
Volume 25, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Purpose: To determine the effect of teaching approaches to foster book reading and on the increase in the motivation for reading and the amount of non-curricular reading among the elementary students in Zahedan county.
Method: This research was carried out by using a half-experimental design consisting of a pretest-posttest on an experimental group and a control group. The statistical population included all the sixth-grade male and female students. The research sample included 100 students from four classes (two male and female classes (consisting of 50 students) as the experimental group and two male and female classes (consisting of 50 students as the control group) who were selected by the purposeful sampling method.
To gather data, two researcher-made questionnaires were utilized which were: 1) Questionnaire on Motivation for Reading, 2) Questionnaire on Non-curricular Reading. The experimental plan was implemented in ten 45-minute sessions (at least every two weeks) within five weeks in the classrooms. Immediately after sessions, the post-test was performed and a month after the sessions ended, the follow-up test was performed. The data analysis was carried out by using the two-way analysis of Covariance.

Findings:  Results of the Covariance analysis showed that teaching approaches to foster book reading have an effect  on the increase in motivation for reading and the amount of reading non-curricular books among the students during the post-test stage.
Originality/value: In the current research, teaching approaches to foster book reading were designed and applied to a group of elementary students. The above-mentioned process can provide a framework for implementing teaching schemes of reading in order be used by teachers and lead students to achieve higher efficiency and have more motivation for reading non-curricular books while putting greater effort into scientific and research activities.
Nosrat Jafari, Ali Biranvand, Sareh Rahmaniyan, Zeinab Ghayouri,
Volume 27, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of transformational leadership, with the mediating role of individual motivation and knowledge sharing, on the innovative work behavior of public library staff of Fars province.
Method: The present research is an applied study that was conducted using the descriptive-survey method. The statistical population of this study included the staff of public libraries in Fars province, whom at the time of the study numbered 350. 184 people were selected as the research sample using simple random sampling method using Cochran’s formula. In order to collect data, the questionnaire of the officer and others (2019) was used. For data analysis, partial least squares method and structural equation modeling in Smart PLS software were applied.
Findings: The results show that transformational leadership has a direct positive and significant effect on innovative work behavior (t = 3.450) transformational leadership directly has a significant positive effect on individual motivation (t = 7.201). Furthermore, individual motivation has a direct and significant positive effect on innovative work behavior (t = 3.847). Transformational leadership has an indirect and significant effect on innovative work behavior due to individual motivation (t = 3.775). Moreover, transformational leadership, considering the moderating role of knowledge sharing, has a significant positive effect on innovative work behavior (t = 7.703), and knowledge sharing reinforces innovative work behavior.
Originality/value: Transformational leadership improves the innovative work behavior of public library staff by influencing their individual motivation. Furthermore, knowledge sharing strengthens the impact of transformational leadership on innovative work behavior. The innovation of this research is in that it has studied the role of transformational leadership in innovative work behavior in the public libraries of Fars province for the first time.
Hakimeh Daneshvar, Narjes Rastegari, Omid Mehni,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of implementing a reading plan with family and reading cycles on reading motivations and improving study rate of students.
Method: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and is a survey in terms of the type of data collection. The statistical population of this study includes all students who have been educated in the study movement educations in Kerman province from 1395 (SH) to 1400 (SH) and have been covered by the family study plan and the study cycles plan. The statistical population of the study included 3182 people, from whom 342 individuals was determined as the statistical sample based on Cochran’s formula. Multi-stage cluster sampling method was utilized to select the sample. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect research data. The validity of the research tools was confirmed by content method. Cronbach’s alpha test was performed to calculate the reliability of the research tools. The calculated alpha value for this questionnaire was 0/83. To test the main and sub-hypotheses of the research, a t-test was implemented for independent groups.
Findings: Results indicated that there is a significant difference between the reading rate of students who have a reading plan with family and reading cycles. People who have reading plan with family have more reading rate in the fields of extracurricular study, cyberspace study and study of religious books. Therefore, it can be concluded that the trainings and programs that are defined to strengthen literacy, will extremely help in increasing the reading motivation and improving the reading rate, if they are prepared correctly and are based on the principles of education.
Originality/value: The results of the research seek to re-define the role of implementing the family reading plan and reading cycles on reading motivation and reading rate of students. Since the implementation of such plans and similar plans leads to the continuation of literacy and the preservation and strengthening of literacy in the newly literate students, and helps them to use these skills in life and using the wide world of science and knowledge and finally achieve happiness for themselves and the society, the Literacy Movement Organization can implement such plans by considering the results of all studies carried out so far in this field for all learners in all courses in order to prevent them from returning to illiteracy or functional illiteracy.

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