Volume 24, Issue 2 (11-2018)
Editorial Challenges abound as to the journals in Persian, which here I will refer to some of them. However, many of these challenges are concerned with all journals. The main problem which most articles suffer is neglecting the three elements of articles' necessity, purpose and benefit by their writers. Sometimes, one, two or all three of these elements are neglected, or little attention is paid to them. By necessity I mean that an article has arisen from a particular need, specifically a domestic need, and if so, naturally the elements of purpose and benefit lie in it too. So, only the article's priority remains which should be taken into consideration as well. It means that an article may have necessity but not have priority. Furthermore, an article may have a particular purpose but not have necessity and priority. Or an article may have little or no benefit, but accomplish its writer's objectives.
Gholamreza Fadaei,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (8-2020)
Investigating User Search Tactic Patterns and System Support in Using Digital Libraries Now, the journal has reached its 101st issue. Founded 29 years ago (1991) by the Iran Public Libraries Foundation, it began publishing under the title of Payam-e Ketabkhane (in English, Message of Librarianship). In 2009, the journal got a scientific promotion from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Bureau of Scientific Journals, under the new title of Research on Information Science and Public Libraries, with a high-level editorial board consisting of professors from all over the country in Library and Information Science (LIS), and related domains such as informatics, psychology, and management. Over the past ten years, the journal has undergone the following course:
We received 1560 articles, from which about 1195 ones (about %70 of the articles) rejected, and 360 ones were published in 40 numbers from 61-100. It is necessary to mention two points in this regard:
1) The main subject area of the articles was mostly LIS management, which included subareas such as work depression, organizational culture, work satisfaction, organizational promotion model, cultural intelligence, organizational confidence, thought investment, organizational entrepreneurship, and work stress. The second major subject areas of articles were respectively information storage and retrieval, and scientometrics, cultural approaches, reading and reading skill, Articles about space, architecture, topology, designing and library equipment, were interesting subjects, too. Library services such as having skill in buying equipment and distribution of services and subservices to all were important. Librarians' education and training, their efficiency and effectiveness, evaluation of their skills, and planning for their instruction are other subjects addressed by the authors. Psychological studies, consultation, social values of librarians, their social intelligence, information literacy, library standards, professional ethics, and services to the people with special defects and handicaps were the theme of other articles. It is worth mentioning that the audience of most articles are the librarians, while users should be considered more, and people living around the libraries should also to be taken into consideration.
2) The second point is the aim and objectives of the editorial board. First, since the editorial has suggested that all LIS journals in Iran should be specialized and publish the most relevant subjects, this journal publishes only those articles that are about public libraries while other journals do not care this point specifically.
After the interruption of the journal's publishing for a while and its republishing, the editorial decided to focus on some main areas and points which are seen in editorial articles. These areas and points are as follows: children's literature, scientometrics and scientific production, knowledge management, the meaning and limits of LIS definition and identification, and the necessity of mentioning and addressing librarianship in the high-level policy documents in Iran. Being published for about 30 years is not too much, and I hope that the journal will be safe and sound for hundreds.