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Showing 1 results for Economic Capital

Abdolah Fazeli,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2015)

Purpose: This study aims at the sociological investigation of the factors influencing none-instructive reading practice in Ahvaz city. This paper concentrates on the role of forms of capital (economical, social, and cultural) on book reading, and for this, applies Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of cultural consumption.
Methodology: In this research, I used survey method for receiving the aims and data were collected with a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS16 software. Population of this study was all literate inhabitants of Ahwaz city that were randomly selected by cluster sampling method.
Findings: Results showed a significant relationship between dimensions of cultural capital, social capital, and economic capital with reading practice of individuals. In other words, increase in individual’s level of capitals (in its three dimensions) was associated with an increase in the time that individual expending for reading. Furthermore, there was significant relationship between types of capitals. Also, Results of multi-variable regression has shown that independent variables can explain 0.39 percent of dependent variables.
Originality/Value: Today, consumption of cultural products particularly books is an index indicating the level of cultural development in different countries. Hence, investigation of factors that affect this phenomenon is of importance for policy makers of cultural domain.

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