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Showing 5 results for Websites

Abdolhossein Farajpahlou, Maryam Saberi,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (12-2008)

This article aims to investigate structural and content attributes of university websites from the perspective of website users and developers. The study had two phases. First, a sample of graduate students and faculty members from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Sharif University of Technology and Tehran University of Arts were surveyed as users of websites. A checklist of attributes was used in the survey. In the second phase, 14 website developers were surveyed. The findings showed that from users’ perspective, content attributes were more important than structural ones, while, website developers put more value on special content attributes as well as on those structural attributes which were user-oriented and facilitated users access to the content.
Mohammad Hasanzadeh, Fatemeh Navidi,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (8-2010)

Purpose: The present research aims to comparatively study different methods for evaluating the accessibility of websites and analyze the results of case study concerning websites of ministries of Iranian government, in order to indicate the strengths, weaknesses, and differences in evaluation findings by applying each of website accessibility methods.
Methodology: In this paper, initially the previously performed studies regarding websites’ accessibility have been reviewed. In next section, a survey was made on methods for accessibility evaluation, as well as comparison of advantages and drawbacks of each method. Finally, results of accessibility evaluation on websites of ministries of Iranian government (including 21 ministries) have been compared based upon manual evaluation methods, automatic evaluation methods, and evaluation of clients’ experiences. Manual evaluation was carried out using 12 indices extracted from web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) provided by worldwide web consortium: W3c/wai 1.0. Also, evaluation of clients’ experiences was accomplished by survey based on focus groups and replying the questionnaire. Automatic evaluation was achieved by Webxact automatic software.
Findings: Considering different findings of these three evaluation methods, it can be stated that automatic evaluation tools can be utilized only for recognition of websites’ errors, since these software precisely provide a list of errors for each priority and are website developers’ guide for correcting the errors. Results of merely evaluating client’s experience are not useful, as some personal opinion may change the results. If human experts would be present, interpretation of errors and making practical suggestions are possible in manual evaluation method. Therefore, considering the remarkable difference observed between findings of these three evaluation methods, use of an integrated evaluation method including the three aforementioned ones was confirmed.
Originality/Value: No research has so far comparatively evaluated the methods for evaluation of websites’ accessibility. Besides theoretical comparison of the existing methods, the present research reports in an objective manner the application of mentioned methods in an objective study.
Farideh Bagherinasab,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (8-2011)

Purpose: This research tries to study and rank the Shi’a Farsi websites based upon the researcher-made checklist designed by the criteria of Silberg, SMRT, and Action For Health, in order to introduce the best websites in this regard.
Methodology: The research is evaluative, i.e. the information of 75 Farsi websites related to “Shi’a” was extracted by searching the internet and this information was subsequently evaluated through its comparison with the designed checklist.
Findings: As this study showed, total mean value of the agreement of these websites with the checklist is 57.17%; among the features, access to materials got the highest rank (100% agreement) whereas being up-to-date was assigned the lowest rank (23.68% agreement with the checklist). Among the websites under study, “Tebyan” was the best one (score = 35) while he websites “Ghadir” and “Jolgeh” were the weakest ones (score = 11). In total, mean score of the 76 websites under study was calculated to be 22.18 (maximum possible score was 47) with standard deviation of 5.32, which reveals the weak performance of the websites under study.
Originality/Value: As the evaluation of religious websites in Iran has not been made so far, the present study can be considered as a starting point which makes the designers of these websites acquainted with the standards in this scope and assists them in finding the existing strengths and weaknesses in these websites. Furthermore, through showing the distance between the existing status and the desirable status, this research can help in improving the quality of presenting religious information as well as satisfying the users.
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Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Purpose: Library websites are valuable resources for the dissemination of information and provide easy access to scientific resources for users. In this study in which the websites of Iranian public libraries are compared with some public library websites from other countries we try to clarify the viewpoints of librarians regarding the importance of high frequent attributes of the websites.
Methodology: This is a descriptive survey. Data was collected from the websites of public libraries (the websites of 9 libraries in Iran and 20 from other parts of the world, including America, England, Japan, and India). A survey of public librarians in Iran was also conducted.
Findings: 35 content attributes were identified from the study of library websites using the content analysis method and taking into account the high frequent attributes suggested by librarians, 30 content attributes were selected for the purpose of designing the proposed pattern. These items include: Advanced search, Search, Digital library, Ask a librarian, Library membership, Library facilities, Projects, Neighborhood branches, Reports, About us, Library parts, Book review, Contact us, Collection, Questions & Suggestions, Teens, My account, Services, Help, New resources, Information needs, Library policies, Statistics, News & events,  Email, Location & hours, Login form, Kids. Results also represent the difference between conceptual attributes in Iranian library websites and others. Differences between librarians' attitudes were also found.
Originality/Value: In this research, a pattern for designing a public library website is proposed based on the results of a survey of public librarians' viewpoints and incorporating an investigation in the websites of public libraries in Iran and some other countries. 
Miss Fatemeh Ajili, Miss Simin Hajiahmadi, Sir Mahdi Mohammadi,
Volume 23, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Aim:  The aim of this study is to examine the characteristics, structure and content of the 858 websites of Scientific – Research publications in Iran.

Methodology:  this research has been done with the evaluative and web metric approach by using a checklist developed by the researcher (94 elements).

Finding: findings show that in appearance features  3 elements including Use bright colors for the background”, “ suitable font”, and “clarity of audiovisual materials”; in structural features “ issue, volume and year”, “ linking with different parts of site”, “ post address”, “ email address”; and in content features 3 elements including “repeating title in all pages “, receiving full text of article” and “ repeating the current profile of magazine in all pages” are more important features. Evaluating the triple features in publications shows that structural features with 83.3% stands in first place, content features with 78.7% in the second and appearance features with 54.4% in the third place.

These findings among in sextuple fields show that the website of art and architecture publications with 82.6% stands in the first level, natural resources with 73.4% in the second, human sciences with 71.6%  in the third and basic sciences with  67.1% in the last level.

Results: findings show that the web sits of studied publications need to more attention. The lack of attention, in the structural features,  to elements including “ searching in general search engine through publication website”, interaction with users, using their opinion in policy making were the major weakness in publication websites .Also,  in content features the lack of attention to presenting the “ Title”, Authors names”, Abstract of article to the live languages in the world “ caused that the research-scientific publication can not to index in authentic databases.

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