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Showing 33 results for Services

Ahmad Shabani, Atefeh Lari,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (12-2008)

the article studies deaf high school students’ satisfaction of Isfahan public library services. A sample of 156 deaf students in Isfahan was given a questionnaire to complete. Fifty-three students (34%) said they used public library services, of which 92.5% had joined the library in the last two years prior to the study. About 77% of users used the library once a week. About 45% used public libraries managed by municipality and 41.5% used mosque libraries. About 77% of users were a little satisfied with the service instructions. There were no significant gender differences in regard with students’ satisfaction of librarians and quality and quantity of physical and welfare facilities.
Sirus Omidifar , Zahra Mousavizadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2010)

The present study aims to evaluate the quality of services provided in library of faculty of Psychology and Education in Allame Tabatabaee University and identification of those service components in this library which require promotion and improvement. In this study, LibQUALTM (final version) has been utilized. Using this tool, service quality is determined by evaluation of the existing gap between “minimum acceptance level” and “perceived level”, and also the gap between “maximum acceptance level” and “perceived level”. This indicates the significant difference between the levels, as well as weaknesses and strengths of a library. The current research has been carried out using survey method. Sampling method has been cluster random sampling technique and among library clients 346 persons have been chosen as samples. Results of the study indicate that, the library has been able to satisfy the minimum acceptance level of clients in the component “effect of service”. Nevertheless, the library did not facilitate to satisfy this level in the components “information control” and “library as a place”. Following the hypotheses testing in each of LibQUAL components, the researchers found out that a significant difference exists in all the three components between the “perceived level” and “minimum acceptance level”, as well as between the “perceived level” and “maximum acceptance level” concerning service quality. Furthermore, it was specified that from clients’ viewpoint, the component of “information control” is of higher significance compared to other components.
Hamideh Gohari , Maryam Rahmati-Tash, Mansour Tajdaran,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2010)

Marketing is the search with the purpose of finding the most proper market and sections where the organization can provide more useful and effective services and satisfy the needs of its clients and visitors in the best manner. Library is a market-oriented organization whose all activities are directed considering client needs and besides satisfaction of existing needs, it intends to create new needs and requests. Marketing makes libraries capable of identifying the clients’ needs on the one hand and satisfying these needs on the other hand. The present research has been carried out in order to investigate the application level of marketing principles in public libraries of Tehran. Study method is of survey-descriptive type based upon 4P marketing model. The population under study included public libraries of Tehran city, among which 30 libraries under supervision of Iran Public Libraries Foundation and 60 libraries under supervision of Cultural and Art Organization of Tehran Municipality were randomly selected, which subsequently filled the questionnaire. Data were collected in summer 2008 and analyzed using SPSS statistical software. Results of the study indicated that public libraries in Tehran do not have proper status concerning the application of marketing principles and it is essential for them to provide a more comprehensive programming in this regard.
Fatemeh Nooshinfar, Seyedeh Yalda Razavi,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (2-2011)

Purpose: This research is devoted to study the information needs of blind and low-sighted users in Kerman City and their use of library services. Methodology: The methodology of this research is of descriptive-survey type and the population under study included blind and low-sighted members of academic and public libraries of Kerman City which consisted of 55 users and 13 libraries. Data collection was accomplished by questionnaire. To this end, two separate questionnaires were designed for blind and low-sighted users and library managers. Findings: The results showed that the resources with highest use by blind and low-sighted users are auditory (64%) and Berrile (42%) resources. Unfortunately a very low percentage of these clients use electronic resources. Furthermore, facilities and technologies in libraries are utilized at a very low extent. 90 percent of blind and low-sighted users have considered library resources as insufficient. Also, 80 percent of users believe that the role of library in meeting their information needs is medium or less. Most of these users (78%) stated that librarians have helped them in accessing their needed information. Originality/Value: The results of this study can assist the officials in programming for providing facilities and information technologies necessary for specialized services to blind users in libraries. This paper additionally emphasizes sharing of specialized resources for blind users in public libraries and formation of inter-library collaboration system, and considers the establishment of national network of blinds information dissemination by National Institution of Public Libraries with collaboration of National Library of Iran as the basic solution for access of blinds to a wide range of information resources.
Yaghub Norouzi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (4-2011)

Purpose: This paper tries to qualitatively present the issues related to axes of development in digital libraries, including human force, content, services, and technology, and provide a clear viewpoint in this regard by considering all existing aspects.
Methodology: In this paper, all existing resources were used. Through citation (library) method, the related literature was studied and, besides using their findings, they were referred as evidence.
Findings: As this study showed, four major elements have considerable effect on design and development of digital libraries and if a digital library is intended to be established and developed, each of these axes should be carefully be examined. In addition, establishment and development of a digital library needs some prerequisites which have been mentioned in the present study and paying attention to them can save time, energy, and cost.
Originality/Value: Initially a comprehensive plan of the axes of development in digital libraries has been proposed in this paper. Afterwards, through a comprehensive literature review, the individuals taking part in design, production, and use of digital libraries are provided with a clear view of the potentials and demands in this area. It also assists the related officials to make better decisions prior to taking any action. Finally, acquaintance with importance of each of these axes and the elements of digital library development enable their use when necessary
------ Marjan Khodami, ----- Fariborz Doroudi, ---- Mozhdeh Salajgh,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Purpose: This paper aims to examine the feasibility of providing electronic reference services (ERS) in public libraries affiliated with the Public Libraries Foundation in Tehran City.
Methodology: This is a descriptive survey study and the research population consists of the staff of public libraries within the five districts of Tehran. The research instrument is a questionnaire that is designed by the researcher. The questionnaires were distributed amongst all of the staff (120 people), and all of them were collected.
Findings: The results showed that the public libraries don’t have conditions and facilities for providing ERS. The skills and knowledge of librarians in relation to the use of ERS is average. The lack of adequate infrastructures, together with the information technology facilities  for setting up these services, is the main obstacle in launching ERS.  Other significant barriers to the provision of these services in libraries are a lack of support from the parent organization ( the Public Libraries Foundation) and the fact that  funds have not been allocated for the implementation of ERS.
Originality/value: The Iranian Public Libraries Foundation can use the results of this research to establish electronic reference services in subsidiary libraries.
Morteza Kokabi, Saba Ehsani,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Purpose: The present paper tries to study and evaluate the status of Khuzestan public libraries in relation to the existence of a special section for blind and semi-blind users, and the compatibility of the existing situation with standards for resources, facilities, and labor force. It also aims to examine the expectations of staff.
Methodology: The present study is a descriptive survey. The research population consists of three libraries: Saamen al Aemmeh, (Abadan), Shaheed Sharif (Khorramshahr), and Central Library (Ahwaz). Data have been gathered via observations by researchers, via interviews with authorities in Behzisti office in Khuzestan province, and through the employment of a collection of relevant standards. The standards being employed are: The National Standards of Library Services for the Blind (Taavoni, 1379), and the Regulation on How to Develop the Blind users’ Section of Public Libraries (General Office of Public Library Services,  Iran Public Libraries Foundation, 1389). The first standard introduces the services required for blind and semi-blind users in libraries, and the second standard is a guideline to develop and expand a special section for these people in public libraries, with an emphasis on Iran Public Libraries Foundation’s policy.
Findings: Results demonstrate that environment currently available in the special section for the blind and semi-blind in the libraries studied is not suitable, and that these libraries are incompatible with some of the standards.
Originality/value: To the best of our knowledge, no research work has been carried out to compare the special section for the blind and semi-blind users in Khuzestan public libraries with regard to standards and guidelines.
Habib Naderi Boldaji, Mohamad Ebrahim Shiri, ,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (6-2015)

Purpose: According to the problems of visually impaired people in the library, this research aims to introduce a model with respect to existing methods, using RFID technology and cell phone to resolve the problem of searching books without the librarian guidance and investigates the possibility of using this technology in libraries that have open stack. According to the current design, a model is proposed for implementation in blind special libraries (Shiraz Blind Library as the case study).
Methodology: The modeling approach was used for implementation of the research. A collection of hardware equipments and related software, library studies and databases acted as dataset for this research. By means of the mentioned data, the model was created and analyzed through simulation.
Findings: In proposed model, reader hardware reads RFID tags identifier and sends the prepared information to the cell phone by USB cable. The prepared information searches the indexed information of books that have same codes and next to it, calls the player to play the sound of the targeted book information. 
Originality/Value: According to Article 9 of the International Convention of People with Disabilities, and UNESCO Public Library Manifesto in 1994, and authors’ investigations, there is no similar pattern of integration of RFID technology and cell phone. The proposed model with relatively low cost of needed soft and hardware can help blinds remarkably.
, , ,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2015)

Purpose: The complex and dynamic nature of the modern life requires us to bring up our children more efficiently through fostering creativity in them so that they might be able to develop our world and to endure, to survive and to face the challenges of the modern life. This starts from the family and is further encouraged by other social institutions such as libraries of the Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (IIDCYA). Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effects of using the services of libraries Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults on children’s creativity.
Methodology: The study adopted an Ex Post Facto design and employed Torrance's Visual Creativity Test (VERSION B) to collect the data. The population from which the sample was derived included all the 6484 fifth-graders in the city of Hamedan, among whom 729 people were using the services of IIDCYA libraries. Using Morgan’s table for determining the sample size, 366 students were randomly selected for the study: 65 people from among library members who were assigned as the test group and 301 non-members who made up the control group. The test, with a reported reliability of 0.52, measures such characteristics in subjects as fluency, originality, elaboration, and flexibility. The data thus collected was analyzed through the Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), and the effect size was measured through Glass’s formula and was interpreted with reference to Cohen’s Table.
Findings: Based on Cohen’s table, the effects of using the library services were significant on all variables of interest which implies a positive effect of such services on both  male and female students’ creativity although such effects were the most significant on originality and least significant on fluency. Finally, total creativity of students was found to be average based on Likert scale.
Originality/Value: The approach of this research is interdisciplinary by which important components like libraries of IIDCYA, creativity, and students are studied.
Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Roohallah Hokmabadi,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2016)

Purpose: The purpose of the present article is the Investigation on the relationship between organizational culture and quality of services in the libraries affiliated to Iran Public Libraries Foundation in the Mashhad city.

Methodology: This research was based on survey research method. The populations under question include employees and users of Mashhad city public libraries. For the extraction of significant results, this research carried out in the libraries with more than 3 librarians. Thus, According to the information received from the Department of Public Libraries of Mashhad city, 16 libraries were selected. These libraries have 56 employees that all of them formed the sample with by considering census method sampling. Among the users, due to its large population, we used stratified – random sampling and based on Krejcie & Morgan, we selected 379 users as sample. The research data was collected with two standard questionnaires. To this end, we used organizational culture questionnaire based on Denison Model and quality of services questionnaire based on Libqual Model.

Findings: The results indicated that although organizational culture score was further than dead line, but the public libraries organizational culture was far from ideal. Based on the research findings, all traits of Denison Organizational Culture Model except “Empowerment” (Involvement, Adaptability, Consistency and Mission), had low average. Towards the quality of services in public libraries, scores of dimensions of “affect of service” and “library as place” were above average and score of dimension of “information control” had low average. However, findings indicated that from user perspective, there was a meaningful difference between services offered and services expected. Based on the averages, offered services were lower than services expected. Furthermore, results showed that there was not meaningful relationship between traits of organizational culture and dimensions of quality of services. The only correlation was a inverse relationship between trait of “consistency” and dimension of “information control and quality of services”.

Originality/Value: this research tried as a preliminary research to investigate the correlation between organizational culture and quality of services in public libraries of Iran. With regard to the results, this research originally indicated that the organizational culture was not penetrated in the services offered with public libraries.

Golamreza Fadaie,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Root and Fruit in Knowledge and Information Science

Shiva Yari,
Volume 23, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Purpose: public librarians' efforts and straggles usually were devoted to attract users and develop their reading ability. Active presence and use of clients depend on their awareness and knowledge about library and its services and library as a being made visible foundation. So the main purpose of this research is to survey visibility of public libraries in Kermanshah city from members' viewpoints.
Methodology: This research was done through survey method in autumn 2015. A researcher-made questionnaire has used to collect data. Reliability of questionnaire was approved by professionals. Test and re-test have been used to measure the stability of questionnaire. The correlation coefficient was 0/81. The statistical sample contained 375 members of Kermanshah city public libraries. 286 questionnaires were filled out, returned and analyzed.
Findings: users believed that Internet is the most important channel for access to information resources. The main channel to acquaintance with public libraries was by friends. Members’ main tool for identification of Library sections were bulletin boards and principal way of locating a library was by their friends’ help. Members believed that library promotion plans are so weak. Members said that the most important service of public libraries is reading rooms. Members’ had a deem awareness about library services. They said that library is a very important place but they affirmed that they had not enough information about library services and other libraries’ location.
Originality/Value: public libraries function already is based on reading room services. Promotional activities should be planned for more visibility and application. This article’s contribution seems to be the indication of promotional designs and plans for public libraries.

Hassan Mahmoudzadeh, Mrs Elaheh Noori,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of inequality and  social inequalities gap in Urmia City considering the spatial distribution of public libraries and the urban places which have those services.
Methodology: This is an analytical and descriptive study. The data gathered using a  combination of documentation and field study. To evaluate the spatial justice in this study these variables were studied: distance from existing libraries, distance from main streets, distance from troublesome industries, population density, proximity to living places, proximity to green spaces, distance from commercial centers, proximity to educational centers, distance from health centers, usages adaptability, slope and distance from the fault line. , the evaluation and analysis of the data is done+  using Fuzzy method from 0 to 225 membership degrees.
Findings: The findings show that the number and spatial distribution of existing libraries in Urmia city is not sufficient for the demands and accessibility to the existing services is not proper. Therefore lack of 6900 square meters space in libraries can be replaced with establishing four new libraries, which is proper in terms of population indexes, accessibility and social justice and multiple spatial distributions. This would help improving the level of education, reading rate, living quality. As a result, the social justice index can be enhanced among Urmia people accordingly.
Originality/Value: This study shows relationship between development and social justice in public services distribution. Public libraries play a crucial role  in enhancing public education and public knowledge. The proper distribution of the libraries can have an important impact on social justice.
Dr. Afshin Mousavi Chelak, Dr. Ali Akbar Khasseh, Dr. Faramarz Soheili,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Purpose: To identify major events in the development of Reference Services literature.
Methodology: Reference Publication Year Spectroscopy (RPYS) technique is used. Initial data was obtained from the Scopus by scientometrics method. A comprehensive search strategy led to the retrieval of 5007 records. RPYS software was used to revise data. Excel application was used for visualization of findings.
Findings: Distribution of publications throughout the 19th century revealed 1 peak in 1876 for “Personal Relations between Librarians and Readers by Samuel Swett Green. Three peaks were identified in the 20th century, respectively in 1964 (related to Rothstein, “The measurement and evaluation of reference service”), 1982 (related to Katz, W. A. “Introduction to reference work: Reference services and reference processes”), and 1986 (related to Mellon, C. A. “Library anxiety: A grounded theory and its development”).
Originality/value: The value of the present research is for using RPYS to study historical roots of Reference Services literature. None of the few studies by bibliometric methods in the realm of Reference Services has investigated historical origins
Maryam Fatemian, Mohammad Reza Farhadpoor,
Volume 24, Issue 4 (12-2018)

Purpose: To investigate the effect of service quality on the loyalty and satisfaction of users of information services in public libraries of Khuzestan province, considering the mediating role of perceived value of services.
Methodology: This is an applied research conducted using a descriptive-survey method. The statistical population of the study includes all users of public libraries of Khuzestan province from whom 383 people were selected as a statistical sample by using the random sampling method. Data were collected using a questionnaire and the software programs SPSS 21 and PLS. Structural Equation Method (SEM) was used to examine the causal model of the study.
Findings: The results showed that the quality of information services has a significant effect on the users' loyalty (0.5455) and their satisfaction (0.3361) and on the value of libraries' information services perceived by them (0.941). Meanwhile, the quality of services had a significant effect on the users' loyalty (0.345) and their satisfaction with the information services (0.546) through the mediating role of perceived value of library services. The results also indicated that 34.5% of loyalty changes and 54.6% of the changes of users' satisfaction with the quality of information services is accounted for by the perceived value of services as the mediating variable.
Authenticity/value: Features of service quality, including objectivity, reliability, trust, responsiveness and empathy influence the users' perceptions of the value of information services of public libraries, and directly or indirectly, affect their satisfaction and loyalty.
Dr Fatemeh Zandian, Mr Hojjatollah Amini, Dr Mohamad Hasanzadeh,
Volume 24, Issue 4 (12-2018)

Purpose: The main aim of this research is to rank the public libraries under Iran Public Libraries Foundation in the West Azerbaijan province using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method according to their information services.
Methodology: This is a survey-descriptive research whose statistical population consists of 67 public libraries in the West Azerbaijan province. Information services of public libraries under investigation were collected by using questionnaires and then ranked based upon the AHP method and Expert Choice software.
Findings: Findings indicate that among the 67 public libraries in Western Azerbaijan province, Sheikh Shaltoot Mahabad Public Library with 0.060 points ranked first and the Central Library of Urmia with 0.054 points ranked second in terms of the amount of provision of information services.
Originality/value: Considering the studies conducted on ranking, ranking public libraries according to information services has a new and different aspect in Iran, and can serve as a basis for other research. The findings also showed that the amount of provision of information services in public libraries has no relationship with the level of libraries nor their being rural or urban, since the provision of good information services is primarily based on the will of librarians and library managers.
Mrs. Marzieh Adibmanesh, Dr. Ali Akbar Khasseh, Dr. Marzban Adibmanesh,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify and explain the extra services of libraries affiliated with the public libraries of Kermanshah province and their role in attracting children and adolescents to the library and retaining them in it.
Method: In this study, a mixed methods has been used. To collect the research data, a questionnaire, a check list, and an interview with librarians were utilized. The content validity of these tools were confirmed by the experts' opinions and the reliability of the questionnaire was obtained by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.86). The statistical population included the members and librarians of public libraries in Kermanshah province. The sample size consisted of 100 library members and 10 librarians who were selected by both cluster sampling and quota sampling. SPSS software and Strauss & Corbin coding methods (open, axial, and selective) were used to analyze the data.
Findings: The results indicated that Quran teaching, storytelling, reading and drawing competitions, celebrations and religious ceremonies, summer study, literary center, book fairs, and exhibitions of newly published books are among the extra and ancillary programs implemented in public libraries. There is no movie, music, or reading group in any of the libraries. The level of satisfaction with the painting program, reading competitions, storytelling and Quran teching, and book fairs is higher than the level of satisfaction other services. The most important barriers to providing ancillary services are lack of funds and facilities, lack of adequate space and lack of human resources.
Originality/value: The provision of extra/ancillary services in the public libraries of Kermanshah province has a positive and influential role in shaping the personality of children and adolescents. Furthermore, these programs play an important role in the optimal use of leisure time and the encouragement of cultural-artistic activities for the cultural development of society. Given the specific geographical and cultural context of Kermanshah, applying these findings can prepare the ground for better educating and training the children and adolescents and highlight the role of public libraries in this process
Maryam Nakhoda, Ahmad Delbari, Farrokhedin Ghasemi,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (12-2019)

Purpose: To design a model of public library services to the elderly and to validate it among the librarians in Tehran City.
Method: This is an applied research in terms of purpose using a mixed exploratory design. In the qualitative section of the current research, 19 experts and stakeholders in the field of elderly services were interviewed using a semi-structured in-depth interview technique. The data were analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method by the MAXQDA software and thus the components of the elderly service model were obtained. In the quantitative section, the research instrument (questionnaire) was developed and a sample of 114 librarians of Tehran was selected using the simple random sampling method. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by four faculty members and the factor validity was assessed by the factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by the Cronbach's alpha measure and was 0.941.
Findings: The proposed model for providing services to the elderly in public libraries has seven components which are as follows, respectively in terms of importance: "building and space", "equipment and tools of ancillary services", "materials and resources for the elderly", "internet services", "human resources", "and "planning and budget".
Originality/value: This paper directs the attention of public library managers to this fact  that based on the proposed model, they should identify the elderly's needs and thus provide different services and facilities for them to use public libraries. This will enable the proper and optimal use of their leisure time by elderly people and the advancement of libraries in offering services to visitors.
Dariush Matlabi, Rabeeh Khanalilou,
Volume 25, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Purpose: The main purpose of the present study is to assess the quality of services in the West Azerbaijan public libraries using the gap analysis model, based on the Users' Perspective.
Method: This study is an applied research that was conducted by survey Method. The research population includes the members of West Azerbaijan public libraries from whom 450 people were randomly selected. The data collection tool was the last version of LibQual questionnaire. To analyze the data, T-student and Levine tests were used.
Findings: The results indicate that from the viewpoint of the users of the public libraries in West Azerbaijan Province, the quality of services of these public libraries are below the expected level. The comparison of the real status of the components of LibQual model showed that the "effectiveness of services" component lies at the least distance from the expected level and the "library as space" component lies at the greatest distance from the expected level.
Originality/value: The great distance between the real status of the users of public libraries for the "library as place" component and their expected status suggests that the public libraries under study have failed to meet the required services and expectations of users in the multicultural society of West Azerbaijan. Thus, it is essential that public libraries reconsider and define their space and services in parallel with this change of approach.
Dr Solmaz Zardari, Dr Hashem Atapour, Dr Akbar Majidi, Dr Reza Akbarnejad,
Volume 25, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Purpose: This study systematically reviews the original research works in the field of public library services to ethnic and minority groups from various aspects. According to this goal and based on the relevant literature, the barriers of library services to ethnic and minority groups as well as the strategies to address those barriers have been presented.
Method: This is an applied research in terms of purpose which has been conducted based on the Prisma guidelines. To collect the relevant literature, subject keywords were searched into several known scientific databases, through which 314 documents in English were retrieved. By applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, all documents were examined, from whom repeated or irrelevant ones were omitted. Finally, 40 original research works were chosen for further analysis.
Findings: The review of literature showed that most studies on the provision of public libraries services to ethnic and minority groups have been carried out in the Western world using various tools and users’ surveys. Totally 17 barriers were identified, which fall into 4 main categories including: “management-related Barriers”, “perceptual and communication barriers”, “environment-related barriers”, and “barriers related to the nature of minority communities”. To address these barriers, 20 strategies have been suggested in the reviewed research works. Recruitment of staff who are familiar with the culture and language of ethnic and minority groups, professional development of staff, developing collection which is culturally sensitive, and library marketing and publicity are the most important strategies to achieve success in providing services in a multicultural society.
Originality/value: The review of internal and external information resources showed that no systematic review has already been conducted on the public library services to ethnic and minority groups in multicultural societies. Therefore, in order to have a general picture of the services offered in multicultural societies, a systematic review of original research works is essential, which the current research has embarked on.


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