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Showing 7 results for Attitude

Ehsan Geraei, Saba Siamaki,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Purpose: Determining library and information student’s familiarity with theoretical and basic subjects of discipline and attitude toward it and examining relationship between them.
Methodology: Population consisted of undergraduate students of Library and Information Science of ShahidChamran University, University of Tehran, and Ferdowsi University of Mashhad studying in academic year 2010- 2011. The sample of study consisted of 108 students. The data collection tool was questionnaire with questions based on Likert five-value scale. Data was analyzed by SPSS software using statistical t-test and Pearson correlation.
Findings: State of familiarity with theoretical and basic subjects of discipline of forth year students were better than the third year students. Student’s attitude toward their discipline was positive. Also, there was a strong correlation between status of familiarity with theoretical and basic subjects of discipline and attitude toward it.
Originality: Findings could to help educators of library and information science to identify Student’s weaknesses regarding familiarity with theoretical and basic subjects of discipline and positive attitude toward it and try to improve them.
Abolfazl Asadnia , Mehdi Baryaji, Gholamreza Haidari,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Purpose: This study aims to examine the attitudes of librarians and library staff of Public Libraries in Kerman towards privatization.
Methodology: This is a descriptive survey. A pre-formulated questionnaire for data collection from a master thesis (Khorshid, 1377) was used. The questionnaire collects the viewpoints of librarians   in relation to 6 different areas namely, individual, economic, equitable advancement opportunities, job security, government regulations and measures of devotion. Reliability coefficients were obtained for 0. 934. The study population consists of all librarians and library workers of public libraries in the year 1390 in the city of Kerman.
Findings: The results reveal that librarians have neither awareness of, nor interest in privatization personally. However, from an economic perspective, they agree with the economic benefits of privatization for the purpose of the development of organizations and for the country in general. They disagree with privatization feeling that it does not provide opportunities for everyone to progress and do not also believe that privatization will necessarily help their job security.   However, librarians voted for the alteration of government rules and regulations designed to accelerate the privatization process. Finally, as a measure of their devotion librarians showed their willingness to overlook their own ideas for the sake of the organizational progress.
Originality/Value: This is a unique research project which was conducted to assess, for the first time, the attitudes of librarians towards privatization.
Shahzad Ghadesi, , Mohammad Ali Karimian,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2016)

Purpose: This Study aims at the Investigation of the Relationship between Library Anxiety and Computer Attitude (CAS Model) Of Dezful Public Libraries’ Users.

Methodology: This research has been done using analytical survey method. Research sample was 370 users that selected randomly from all 10757 users of public libraries of Dezful. Number of sample size calculated using Morgan table. We used two questionnaires (Bostick, 1992 for Library Anxiety and Loyd and Gressard, 1984 for Computer Attitude Scale) for gathering data.

Findings: Results showed that based on Library Anxiety Criteria “Felling of uncomforting with the library” (Mean=4.41) was the important anxious component. Based on Friedman variance analysis for computer attitude, results showed that “computer usefulness” (Mean=3.06) was the most important component and “computer anxiety” (mean=1.84) was the least important one, and both library anxiety and computer attitude scale did not have differential correlation with age, sex, and literacy (based on t-test and ANOVA test). Finally, results showed that “library anxiety” had correlation (Sig. = 0.001) with “computer attitude” scale and thus, “computer attitude” was a strong predictor of the library anxiety.

Originality/Value: on the basis of suggestions raised from this research, librarians should concentrate on the perceptions of users about computer use and making convenience in the use of computer to lessen library anxiety. 

Professor Zahed Bigdeli, Miss Shabnam Shahini, Miss Somaie Mirzaie, Miss Eftekhar Momeni,
Volume 23, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Purpose: the purpose of the study was to survey the attitudes of the people of Ahvaz city (Iran) towards the public libraries and librarians.
Methodology: This work is a descriptive research with survey method. Research population consisted of the total people living in Ahvaz city. By using Krejcie-Morgan sampling table, 410 people were randomly selected through quota sampling procedure. Data collection was conducted using a researcher-made questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the instrument were tested and approved. Questionnaires were distributed and collected manually by the researchers. We used Kolmogrov-Smirnov test, one-sample t-test, Friedman mean rank test, chi-square test for inferential analysis.
Findings: Findings showed that total attitudes of the respondents toward public library services were positive and at the fairly desirable level. Public libraries services, librarians, and social value being perceived fairly desirable. However, viewpoints of people showed that collection development in public libraries is fairly undesirable. The most valuable characteristic of the public libraries understood as sociocultural place.
Originality/Value: we tried to show the peoples immediate attitudes about public libraries and find their perceptions about public library. People don’t believe public library as an information service platform but identify them as a sociocultural place.
Khosro Rashid, Amir Soltani, Rasool Kord Noghabi, Kambiz Karimi,
Volume 26, Issue 4 (12-2020)

Purpose: Since nowadays study is one of the most important tools of human communication with the world around us, advanced systems not only encourage individuals to study the textbook, but also lead them to free book reading; However, a comparison of statistics of the amount of free book reading shows that the status of study in our country is lower than other developed countries. Having wrong reading habits and a lack of access to books is among the deterrents to free book reading. Therefore, the main problem of this study is whether free book reading skills affect reading habits, attitudes toward reading, and academic achievement of high school male students.
Method: This research was carried out by using a half-experimental design consisting of a pretest-posttest on an experimental group and a control group. The statistical population included all male students studying at the Shohadaye Solan School of Hamadan city in the 2017-2018 academic year, numbering 98 students. To select the sample, from all grades, the seventh grade was selected by the purposeful sampling method. The number of students in this grade was 40 and two classes were randomly selected as the experimental and control groups. The study questionnaires included Palsani and Sharma's (1982) study habits questionnaire with a retest reliability of 0.88 and criterion-dependent validity of 0.74 (FereidouniMoghadam and Cheraghian, 2009), and questionnaire of researcher-made attitudes toward reading with the Cronbach's alpha of 0.83. The construct validity of the questionnaires showed the high fit of the model of the research. Academic achievement was also measured by the total grade point average of the students. The first-semester grade point average was used as a pre-test and the second-semester grade point average was used as a post-test. The free book reading skills were taught to the experimental group during 11 sessions (each one lasting 60 minutes) in eleven consecutive weeks and the control group did not receive any training. At the end of the training course, a post-test was performed in both groups. The data was analyzed by using an analysis of covariance using SPSS software version 22.
Findings: The results of analysis of covariance indicated that free study has a positive effect on the students' reading habits (F = 7.08, P < 0.05), students' attitudes toward reading (F = 13.61, P < 0.05) and their academic achievement (F = 10.84, P < 0.05).
Originality/value: Findings showed that free book reading skills had a significant effect on students 'reading habits, students' attitudes toward reading, and their academic achievement. Free book reading makes students' minds more active by raising their level of thinking. Thus, they will be able to learn the lessons better. Based on the results of this research, the effect of training free book reading skills can be further examined by considering the educational conditions in each grade, findings can also be used in order to enrich the programs related to academic achievement in schools.
Mansoor Koohi Rostami, Mojtaba Jahnifar,
Volume 28, Issue 2 (8-2022)

Purpose: A review of texts in Persian language shows that most of the researches in the field of reading are focused on free or leisure reading and Iranian researchers have not studied academic reading. Perhaps one of the reasons for not conducting research in this field is the lack of appropriate tools. Therefore, this research was conducted in order to check the adequacy of the psychometric properties and validate the reading attitude questionnaire of Isakson et al (2016).
Method: This research is designed with a quantitative approach in order to describe the psychometric characteristics of the attitude towards academic reading questionnaire. The statistical population of this research included the students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, who were studying in this university in the first half of the academic year of 1401-1400 SH. Using stratified sampling, 890 students were selected as samples. To validate this tool, apparent and content validity indices were measured. Confirmatory factor analysis was also utilized to evaluate the validity of the structure. Multi-value question-answer models were used to analyze the questionnaire items, and Cronbach’s alpha was used to assess the reliability of this questionnaire.
Findings: In the development of the research tool, a structure with three factors was used, whose factors are: academic reading behaviors, self-efficacy in academic reading, and evaluation for academic reading. The appearance validity of the questionnaire items was confirmed, and the content validity test showed a meaningful relationship between items and factors. The confirmatory factor analysis for these three factors showed that this model provides an appropriate structure to measure the attitude to academic reading and there exists a good fit between this proposed model and experimental data. The items of this questionnaire, in addition to having a good fit with the multi-valued answer question models, have the appropriate clean power at different levels of people's attitudes. Examination of the reliability coefficient in this questionnaire showed that both the individual factors and the questionnaire, in general, are at a desirable level of stability and reliability.
Originality/value: There is no suitable tool in the Persian language that can properly assess the attitude towards academic reading. Therefore, a lack of appropriate tool in this area can be seen. This tool can be used in educational research to assess the causes of academic achievement or failure of students, as well as to study their study and learning styles. The most common use of this tool in tests is to measure reading ability at the beginning of reading improvement courses in schools and universities or other reading education intervention programs.
Mohammad Javad Hashemzadeh, Atefeh Vatandoost, Gholam Hossein Jahangeer, Ali Asgari, Mahmood Sangari,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Purpose: Knowledge and information science specialists can succeed in creating and providing entrepreneurial services by using knowledge of the society, the needs of the audience and having an entrepreneurial attitude. In the field of knowledge and information science, entrepreneurship is a type of social or value entrepreneurship service. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of entrepreneurship education in changing the entrepreneurial attitude of public library librarians in Birjand city.
Method: The present study is a type of applied research. In terms of data collection, it is a quasi- experimental study with a control group, a pre-test and a follow-up test to determine the duration over times. The statistical population of the study included 30 librarians of public libraries affiliated to the library of the city of Birjand; Data collection was done by Entrepreneurship Attitude questionnaire (Robinson et al., 1991) and SPSS software was used to analyze the information collected through the questionnaire.
Findings: The results of the tests showed that entrepreneurial training has led to a shift in the attitudes of librarians in the test group, and entrepreneurial training has led to a shift in the orientation of self-esteem, Succession, innovation and personal entrepreneurial control of the group librarians and the post-test scores of the two control and experimental groups were reported differently (F = 5/568, P > 0/05). The average of librarians desire for success in the post-test stage (M = 4/528) has changed compared to the pre-test stages (M = 4/313). Also, the test of the repeated measurement design, which included librarians in the experimental group in the follow-up stage, showed that that the change in the orientation of personal entrepreneurial control of librarians has become significant, which has caused stability and stability in them. Self-esteem components such as confidence in ones ability, confidence in work results, ability to solve personal problems, ambition and self-belief can be influenced to a large extent by changing librarians views due to the increase in the level of advertisements and their knowledge about entrepreneurship.
Originality/value: The current research considers entrepreneurship in public libraries as a great opportunity for managers and librarians. Considering that entrepreneurship can be acquired in libraries, librarians can use the benefits of entrepreneurial training to raise their level of work and provide entrepreneurial services to users. According to the goals and social roles of public libraries, entrepreneurship training in the society of librarians and users should be considered and implemented as one of the special requirements based on the goals and functions of these types of libraries because entrepreneurship training causes a change in the direction of personal entrepreneurial control of people and increase the amount of their personal control.

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