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Showing 2 results for Sepehr

Maryam Omidkhoda , Fereshteh Sepehr,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (11-2009)

Taking advantage of survey method, the present research investigates the study needs and interests of young members in their free time in the public libraries under supervision of Iranian public libraries institution in Tehran. The main goal of the study is to identify and determine the study needs and interests of the mentioned population, and aims to recognize the study purpose, motivation, and interests of young members of the public libraries, as well as to determine the most significant facilities for their free time. Among 53251 young members, 600 of them were selected by clustering sampling method proportionate to size of each zone. The questionnaire was used to collect data. Findings of the study indicated that most members, i.e. 39% of them, visit the libraries in order to pass their free time. Therefore, it can be stated that the libraries have a critical role in filling the free time of library members. In addition, more in-depth analysis of the study findings reveals that in all parts of Tehran, especially in its south and central parts, the libraries play a crucial role in filling the free time of young library members. With abundance distribution of 44.2%, novel is the subject to which most members show interest and pay attention. Sport subjects, art topics, and comic subjects are at next levels with abundance distributions of 20.1%, 15.1%, and 13.6%, respectively.
Seyyed Ahmad Hosseinzadeh, Fereshteh Sepehr,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Purpose: the present paper compares two reference books the Encyclopedia World of Islam &  Encyclopedia  of Islam– Leiden  with regard to the whole process of compiling the encyclopedia, and to conduct an evaluative content analysis .
Methodology: This is a comparative survey and a study of content analysis. The data collection tool in the comparative survey section is a questionnaire, and in the content analysis section it is the note taking method together with the Daricheh software package. The statistical population of this study consists of are 115 faculty members of the Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation together with all of the entries from these two reference books. The gathered data has been analyzed using SPSS software.
Findings: The highest number of entries in both resources is related to geographical, historical, and language & literature topics. According to the T-test used in evaluating indexes/indicators of the procedures of compiling encyclopedias, in most cases indexes/indicators appear to be in an acceptable status/range i.e. all of  the indexes/indicators in both resources have been addressed properly , but for the "author" index/indicator  a  middle or even very low status is observed  in the Encyclopedia world of Islam. The status for the two indexes/indicators of "citation" and "edition" in the Encyclopedia world of Islam is higher than that in the Encyclopedia of Islam. Furthermore, the status of other indexes/ indicators including  "entry", "author", "publication" and "compilation and translation" in the Encyclopedia of Islam is higher than in the Encyclopedia world of Islam.
Originality/value: A aspects of the compilation process within encyclopedias from the same field are rarely evaluated and compared. The result is that some of the differences and similarities are undefined for the readers. The results of the present study could clarify some of the aspects for their readers and relevant organizations.

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