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Showing 1 results for Muazmi

Amir Hossein Rahbar, Razieh Davarikish, Massoumeh Muazmi, Alireza Noshian,
Volume 30, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Purpose: This research has been done to identify diversification strategies to provide financial resources and entrepreneurship in the public library to improve the current situation.
Methodology: The research approach is qualitative and its method is a systematic review. The statistical population of the research includes related research and studies conducted from 2009 to 2021 for domestic research and 2010 to 2021 in English for foreign research, which is in the field of diversifying solutions to provide financial resources and entrepreneurship in the public library. Among the 138 selected and reviewed studies, after several stages of screening, 30 study units are selected and reviewed based on the title, abstract, and content of the research respectively.
Findings: the results obtained in the open coding stage show that to diversify the sources of income in public libraries, 42 solutions have been used, which can be divided into six main categories based on the results of central and selective coding. Cultural and economic measures in specific areas, public library governance, development of civil infrastructure and information technology, development of public library services, cultural programs and activities, and commercial and economic activities were classified. The results of the research show that the most important components in the cultural and economic measures in certain areas are the need assessment and targeted distribution of books using artificial intelligence, encouraging donors and other institutions to help the library by establishing an association or advertising committee and pointed to Using gamification to encourage reading. Also, one of the most important components in the governance of the public library is the consideration and legal follow-up from the Administrative Accounts Court to pay half percent of the budget of the municipalities and provide library resources by purchasing and supporting the publishers of the province and public contributions and parliament. Planning and considering indicators of knowledge and managerial ability in the appointment of managers, paying attention to the role of technological evolution and designing a comprehensive electronic library in the form of an application and website, stronger relations between libraries, art organizations and museums with departmental commissions Government and budget regulation of LAPL is also an important component in the development of civil infrastructure and information technology. Providing special and diverse services by setting up a book cafe, paying attention to strategic planning, community building and support, credit courses, entrepreneurship in the cultural sector such as holding large commercial exhibitions, working with volunteers to generate income, a more commercial approach to generate income in libraries The sale of products and services and e-commerce are important components in the development of public library services, cultural programs and activities, and business and entrepreneurial and economic activities that should be taken into account.
Authenticity/Value: Many studies have been conducted regarding the factors affecting the income of the public library of the country, and research that examines the studies in the form of a systematic review is empty, and the present study tries to fill the existing gap. This research provides a valuable framework for diversifying financial resources and entrepreneurship in Iran's public library and not only contributes to the scientific understanding of entrepreneurship in the field of public libraries but also provides new practical insights to improve the income of Iran's public libraries. Also, the presented classification and prioritization provide a valuable framework for the development of public libraries.

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