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Showing 2 results for Farzin Yazdi

Sepideh Fahimifar , Mahboobeh Farzin Yazdi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (vol 20, issue 1, succesive No 76 2014)

Purpose: This article aims to investigate library users' satisfaction in the areas of resources, building and equipment, librarians and services within the public libraries of Yazd city.
Methodology: This is a Survey research project that uses a researcher- made questionnaire. Data was collected by a supervised and paper-based questionnaire. The research population includes active users of public libraries in Yazd city (more than 1000 users). The sample size is calculated using the Koukran formula and a total of 226 questionnaires were released.
Findings: Public libraries have satisfied users to an average degree which is promising. Librarians achieved the highest level of user satisfaction as a result of their own knowledge and behavior. Moreover, the lowest level of user satisfaction of public libraries was related to the lack of space for group study, inadequate library environments, insufficient welfare facilities, etc.
Originality/Value: The authors found no evidence that any research into evaluation of users’ satisfaction of public libraries in Yazd had already been conducted. Moreover, most of the research studies to date on the evaluation of public libraries have been conducted based on LibQual.
Dr. Fatemah Makkizadeh, Mahboobeh Farzin Yazdi,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Purpose: The main objective of this research was to identify aspects of knowledge management and innovation systems and evaluate them in public libraries of Yazd province and investigate the impact of knowledge management on innovation.

Methodology: This research implemented in descriptive and inferential level. Data was collected by a researcher designed questionnaire. Research population includes All librarians of Yazd (from participatory and institutional) public libraries. At least 190 participants are needed to fill the questionnaire with 38 questions in structural equation modeling method. 230 public librarians randomly selected to fill questionnaire and 195 of them filled. Data were analyzed by Pearson's test,
one-sample T-test, structural equation modeling and path analysis.

Findings: Findings showed that all dimensions of knowledge management system factors except “creation and knowledge acquisition” have a significant impact on innovation factors. According to structural equation coefficients, "Technology and Structure" and "organizing, storing and sharing knowledge" had the greatest impact on innovation factors. Accordingly, results showed that “administrative” and “technical” aspects (variables) of Innovation system of public libraries in Yazd province was not in good condition by considering t-test coefficient measure.

Originality/Value: The value of this research is in the identification of weak factors in knowledge management and innovation system of Yazd City public libraries. “Creation and knowledge acquisition” factor in management system and “administrative” and “technical” factors in innovation system have non-significant mean that suggest a reappraisal in this elements.

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