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University of Birjand , leili.seifi@birjand.ac.ir
Abstract:   (409 Views)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Bibliotherapy on the Assertiveness of low-assertive elementary school students.
MethodThe research design used in this study is quasi-experimental of pre-test-post-test type, with control and follow-up groups. The statistical population was shy female students in the fourth grade of primary school in Qaen city. The purposive sampling method was used to select the sample. Using this method, 24 low-spirited students were randomly selected and divided equally into experimental and control groups. The instrument used in this research was the Daring Behavior Scale for children by Michelson and Wood. The experimental group underwent a book therapy intervention during eight sessions, with each session consisting of a storybook reading for 45 minutes, twice a week. Eight storybooks were selected based on the researcher's, mentors, and advisors' opinions, as well as a storytelling expert's advice. The storybooks were chosen according to the principles of bibliotherapy, taking into account the child's age and the problem type (low courage). The stories focused on the components of courage, including defending one's rights without aggression, respecting the rights of others, the power to say no, expressing feelings and emotions, and asking for wishes and preferences. It is worth mentioning that a preliminary implementation of the story therapy session was done in two sessions with an available sample. The control group received no intervention. Hypotheses were tested using covariance analysis and repeated measurement.
Result: The study showed that the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group in the post-test phase, and the positive effects were maintained during the follow-up stage. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that group book therapy is an effective method for improving and maintaining bold behavior in children who struggle with this skill. This is especially important as psychotherapy for children is often challenging due to issues such as their limited ability to communicate verbally, recognize their problems and emotions, and cope with conflicts. It is essential to use techniques that can overcome these communication barriers. The current study relied on the book therapy method, specifically story therapy, to help children overcome their weaknesses and build courage.
Originality / Value: This research measures the effectiveness of bibliotherapy on the assertiveness of low-assertive elementary school students. Therefore, it can be said that it is innovative.
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Type of Study: quantitative | Subject: Psychological Studies
Received: 2023/10/27 | Accepted: 2024/01/15

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